faith, life, thoughts

Monday’s Prayer

Today is an important day for me in my career.  I pray that if I cross your mind today at all, that you pray for me.  I desperately need for two things to happen in order to get some finances in order.
Without these finances, we can’t buy our airplane tickets to a family’s destination wedding in July.

Without these finances, we can’t take the next huge step in our lives toward a goal.

I don’t doubt God for a minute.  I know God will provide for us, but I think prayers always help.

You always hear, All in God’s timing…but a friend of mine gave me my new saying yesterday.  It goes like this:

Everything always works out in God’s timing, I just wish He’d give me a look at His watch from time to time.

🙂  Have a great day!

blessings, faithful fridays, family, fathers, grandchildren, grandparents, life, manners, motherhood, pride, relationships, safety, sleeplessness, son, sons, sports, thoughts, women

Friday Vent with some Blessings

Usually I list a bunch of blessings bestowed for the week on Fridays, and though I have a lot that has happened that have been wonderful blessings…yesterday overshadowed most of them. So I’m sorry to disappoint those that tune in for this. IF you want to skip the vent…there are blessings at the end!

Someone very close to me reacted in a manner that I felt very disrespectful, and put my son in a compromising position. When a mother asks that certain things take place in the care of her child, it is disrespectful to ignore this.

*I’m thankful that my son stayed safe on a joyride in someone’s lap through neighborhood streets with no seatbelt. A five year old in someone’s lap, with an air bag inches away from his face, is not something that is to be overlooked because it was fun for him. To make it worse…my son’s car seat was in the backseat and this person ignored it and took him for a spin.

* When I picked him up last night, my son whispered with the biggest smile on his face, “We broke the law today, but it’s okay. I rode in his lap…with no seat belt to the school and back.” I’m thankful my son had the heart to tell me after being told, “Don’t tell your mom about this.” Two things happened here: A) My son was taught a lesson that it’s okay to break the rules that his mom sets in place. B) He learned that it’s okay to ignore and break the law when it’s harmless fun.

(side note) if you have to tell a young child…Don’t tell your mom about this…..than it’s probably something you shouldn’t do to begin with because you know you’re doing something in error. Thank the Lord my son told me so that we could talk about how he should never be in that position again.

It would be one thing to take him in a old truck in the fields at a farm and drive around with him, but it’s entirely different to ride on the streets with other cars and an air bag inches away that could have deployed if there were an accident. I know this person is a careful driver, but there’s no sense in risking it!!!

When I tried to have a conversation about this, the person who took my son on his joy ride exploded and shut me down. He wouldn’t listen and put his hand up. I was told that I was attacking him and was not allowed to talk to him. I didn’t raise my voice, as I know this person has a horrible temper. I tried avoiding a fight, but this person doesn’t know how to talk without a fight. He is too proud to ever admit he had any wrong doing.  Having a calm normal conversation is not an option with this person. He turned it around pretty quickly that I was the one in error for attacking him.

As a mother, I owe it to my son to protect him in any way I choose. The fact that he was not protected aside, the way I was treated as a person blew me away. After trying to have a calm conversation, which was obviously not going to take place, I chose to get my son out of the heated room.

I grew up listening to anger and loud voices, so I purposely do NOT raise my voice in anger because I never want my son to grow up feeling the way I did…insecure and sad. After walking out…I heard a curse word fly out of his mouth that I pray my son didn’t hear.

My son will get enough bad outward influences from his peers, he doesn’t need to be taught these lessons from a family member!! Afterwards I got an apology for the level of this person’s voice…but what I really wanted was respect as a mother.

BOTTOM LINE: If you’re doing something that you know I won’t approve of with my son, harmless or not, I have a right to have a conversation with you about it. I was dismissed and attacked for trying to do so. I forgive this person as I love them, but I’m sad today that this person doesn’t have it in them to ever admit their part in any of this. To this person, I was just being a dramatic woman and made too much of something that wasn’t.

P.S. This person taught my son not to OWN up for his own actions and that’s inexusable! It’s not okay. This came two days after this person told my son that the behavior he displayed was stupid. Now my son thinks he’s dumb as a rock. This person denies this…but I heard it. He stated, “I never said he was stupid –his actions were because he wasn’t behaving.” Well to a five year old…all they’re going to hear is stupid and it will apply to them as a person. They’re not logical enough to know the difference. Thanks for teaching my son that lesson too.

Blessings for the week:

I got paid three paychecks…thank you LORD….I can finally pay some bills.

My son scored a goal in his soccer game…he was aggressive and had so much fun.

My husband’s heart is so tender and I’m a blessed woman. Even with all the stress he’s under right now, he is still looking to the LORD and I know he’ll be blessed soon with some doors that he can use as an exit from the stress.

My sister got a new car after totaling her 4 month old one, and now her payments are 5 dollars lower.

My mom cooked for me this week and we are low on food…praise God.

Today is Friday and I’m needing a vacation! Thank you for Friday’s Lord!

children, entertainment, family, family bonds, humor, laughter, life, love, motherhood, planet, random, relationships, secrets, sex, sisterhood, smiles, society, son, sons, sports, thoughts, women

Learned Behavior

My family is a hoot. Seriously we laugh most all the time. My son has the same sense of humor and his aptitude for picking things up is amazing. He’s five and nothing gets past the little dude.

Tonight we all ate dinner after his T-ball game. (He played really well by the way. He hit on his first try and scored 2 runs. He got one runner out at first as well…not bad for his first game ever.)

As we were eating, I asked my son to use his ‘inside’ voice. He’s tend to be really loud, like my husband, who’s voice is deep and loud at all times. Some people just project whether they mean to or not.

This started a whole conversation that spun off toward my mom, who has the opposite problem. She doesn’t project and sometimes hard to hear, even when yelling upstairs for my dad. Of course we all ganged up on her, and in turn she made reference to my dad again by saying, “No, he just doesn’t ever hear me. No matter what.”

My sister’s response, “Um mom I think that’s learned behavior.” (selective hearing)

My son was taking it all in and laughing at my mom, just like we were. The conversation then turned to his soccer game. I reminded him to tell about his goal he scored on Saturday morning. He was telling my sister’s boyfriend, Bob, all about it. Then my sister switched gears to ask if he picked up any balls to get anyone out tonight (T-ball).

My son: “No, you’re not allowed to pick up the ball.” (in reference to soccer)
My sister: “What?”
Me: “Honey, she’s asking about T-ball.”
(confused look on my son’s face)
My sister’s boyfriend: “Dude. You might as well give up, you’ll never understand them. They’re (women) gonna confuse you for the rest of your life.”
My son: LAUGHING – “That’s learned behavior.”

We all cracked up. Yup…that is learned behavior. He might as well learn now that men are from Venus and Women rule the planet.

I hope you all have a great night!!

abuse, america, anger, budget, corporate, D.C., disasterous, economics, financial, goals, government, help, leadership, life, politics, society, surviving, taxes, thoughts, Washington D.C., women, work


Okay I just got this via email from a family member. Not that I’m not for helping those in need, but not at the cost of my hard earned retirement income. The same retirement income that will most likely not equal the the level of cost of living standards, by the time I retire. Can anyone tell me if the below info is accurate? If it is…..I don’t know about you but I’d like a vote in how she decided my hard earned income, that I’m barely scraping by to make, gets spent.
Read below and tell me your thoughts!

Windfall Tax on Retirement Income

Hold on to your pocketbooks!!

Anyone who understands a fiat monetary system, our system, knows that most retirement funds lose real value and are not exactly what a person hopes for at the end of their work life. Some are, and those typically go to people in the public sector. We contribute greatly to those through a myriad of taxes.

Adding a tax to your retirement is simply another way of saying to the American people, you’re so stupid that we’re going to keep doing this until we drain every cent from you. That’s what the Speaker of the House is saying. Read below……………

Nancy Pelosi wants a Windfall Tax on Retirement Income. This woman is a nut case! You aren’t going to believe this.

Madam speaker Nancy Pelosi wants to put a Windfall Tax on all stock market profits (including Retirement fund, 401Ks and Mutual Funds)! Alas, it is true – all to help the 12 Million Illegal Immigrants and other unemployed Minorities!

Boy, are we in trouble… This woman is frightening. She quotes…’ We need to work toward the goal of equalizing income in our country and at the same time limiting the amount the rich can invest. ‘

When asked how these new tax dollars would be spent, she replied : ‘We need to raise the standard of living of our poor, unemployed and minorities. For example, we have an estimated 12 million illegal immigrants in our country who need our help along with millions of unemployed minorities. Stock market windfall profits taxes could go a long ways to guarantee these people the standard of living they would like to have as ‘Americans’.’

care taking, challenge, children, conflict, counseling, death, encouragement, family, family bonds, health, life, love, pets, relationships, thoughts

How to explain…

I recently posted at my wornoutwoman blog about my son’s favorite hermit crab, Larry Lee Lenson, passing on. This post has sparked some interesting comments on how different people handling explaining death to children.

This is something none of us ever want to experience, but the circle of life does go on. We will eventually have to explain to our little ones why his favorite pet is gone spiritually and not physically. We will have to eventually comfort them when a loved one dies.

It prompted me to write here to ask you all:
When and how did you have to deal with a passing and explain it to a child?

Feel free to read the post to see how my son took the news of his pet hermit crab, when he died.

blessings, Christianity, faith, family, family bonds, life, love, prayer, relationships, thoughts

Fridays are Full of Blessings edition 4-18

Today I’m worn out just a little, but can look back and clearly see blessings through all the upheaval in life.

  • I’ve not heard from the publishing house yet on my book, but that means that they haven’t decided yet.  That isn’t a no.
  • One of my son’s classmates always makes me pictures at school.  She told my son she made another one for me this week.  That is such a sweet blessing that a  young child would have me on her mind and want to do something nice for me.
  • My boss is taking a new position and the person taking his place isn’t the easiest person to co-exist with (to put it nicely).  The blessing here is that God is in control and I just have to put my best foot forward and trust His knowledge of the situation.
  • I’ve been working on something that’s coming to fruition quite nicely.  I wish I could be more informative, but God is blessing me abundantly with this project.
  • I visited my husband at his work today, and it’s just a blessing not to have the stress he’s under at his job.  I used to work in the same place he does, so I know what I’m missing and how blessed I am to be able to leave the building unaffected.
  • There are some exciting things on the cuff for my husband and I know God will be revealing those blessings some time soon.

Our lives are crazy right now.  My husband and I are burning our candles at both ends and inbetween with not much left over.  BUT it’s also an exciting time, because I feel God’s hand at work.  I may not know the outcome but I know He’s in control and the master planner in our lives.  I can’t help but feel the Holy Spirit hyping my excitement level up in preparation for a celebration for us soon.

We’ve been praying so hard for so many things in our lives, and I know soon we’re going to be celebrating the answers.

I pray you all get to feel that feeling some day, if you don’t already know it.  The feeling of eternal hope and peace that He’s holding your future, as uncertain as it may be.

blessings, Christianity, church, conflict, dreams, encouragement, Endeavour, faith, falling, family, family bonds, God, Jesus, life, love, motivation, nostalgia, positive reinforcement, prayer, publishing, racing, recycle, relationships, Religion, secrets, sin, spirituality, surviving, talent, thoughts

A little something

Here’s something I wrote when I was in college, after waking up to God’s call in my life:

She’s a good girl they say, but she’s done her time.
She’s walked down that road and crossed a fine line.
Now she’s watching the sky and walking into the fiery burn.
It’s starting to dawn. She’s finally starting to learn.
Come to me, my child, and I’ll pull you through.
I’ve got a plan destined just for you.
Keep moving forward. Don’t look back.
Focus on the good in your life-not on when you lost track.
Youth and Innocence are not lost. Your life has just begun.
All regret into the wind is tossed. Toward the dawning she runs.

What does it make you think about? And does it remind you of any time in your life?

blessings, blogging, faith, faithful fridays

Fridays are Full of Blessings 4-11-08

This week has flown by so fast. How is it almost the middle of April by now? Looking back I can see many things I’m thankful for:

  • My sister and I not only work together but are able to do it so well.  She actually makes my work fun…is that possible to put work and fun in the same sentence?? It is when I work with her.
  • She and I have such a great relationship and I’m so blessed to have her in my life.
  • My husband has some exciting opportunities coming up that I am praying God will bless.
  • My son is just growing leaps and bounds every day, and this week he’s so happy and joyful.
  • Tomorrow is his first T-ball game and we’re so blessed to have such a healthy child, that’s able to run and play as hard as he does.
  • I have some contracts come in this week that I’ve been waiting months on….yay!
  • I’ve lost 6 pounds and kept it off. I’m able to fit in my skinny jeans this week.
  • We had teacher parent conferences this week, and my son is more than ready to move onto Kindergarten. He’s one of his teacher’s favorite kids, and it’s so nice to see how well he’s doing in school.

I’m sure I could list more…but I think that’s enough for now. I’m just so blessed to have the family & friends that I do. Each day I feel like I’m in a funk, I have to stop and take stock of what all God has graced me with. I’m so thankful for each day that we’re healthy and living in this world with one another.

Africa, america, American Idol, anger, appreciation, celebrities, challenge, children, Christianity, commitments, earth, economics, encouragement, entertainment, etiquette, exercise, faith, family, family bonds, giving, goals, God, Jesus, life, media, positive reinforcement, prayer, questions, random, Religion, society, sons, spirituality, talent, technical difficulties, television

Rant….just a little

Tam posted today on something that just got me in a little rant mode.  Although I commend American Idol for their “Gives Back” show in getting our nation involved in doing something…anything to help those in need across our own nation and abroad, I’m more than upset at the moment.

Censorship is necessary in some forms so that our kids aren’t exposed to certain messages in the media and film industry.  However American Idol is supposed to be a family friendly show, where the whole family can watch and be entertained.

Last night they targeted their acts to the younger audiences, as the music industry is tailored to the younger generation.  These stars mentioned over and over, “Kids break out your piggy banks, parents get out your wallets.”

Obviously it’s a show where kids will be watching and tuning in…..

YET they censor the name Jesus, and leave in words like bitch and ass???  Come on give us parents, Christian and non, a break from vulgar language with our kids in the room!!  Seriously????