appreciation, entertainment, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, Finding Kylie, health, Kimberly McKay, motherhood, motivation, Oklahoma, son, technical difficulties, television, thoughts, women, writing

Friday Thanks

I’ve been laying around as much as possible today.  Last night, I lay in hotel in Tulsa with my mom and son anxious of what type of sleep the night might bring.  Hotels aren’t very conducive to sleep, and me & sleep aren’t exactly on the best of terms…especially without my mattress.

Why was I in Tulsa you ask?  I was scheduled to be interviewed for their morning show, during the 8 am hour this morning, so I took my mom and son on a short road trip.

Sleep didn’t come easy last night…in fact it didn’t come at all.  I think I would have been able to except that both persons in the room with me were not breathing well, due to the crud and it’s effects on their respiratory systems.  So I patiently lay between two noise makers all night, waiting…for sleep that eluded me until 3:00 am.  I finally fell asleep only to be woken up again by my mother turning the heat up in our room, which now made it a furnace inside.  Sleep never came back to me.

There were some upsides to this however.  I got to hear my son breathe all night, knowing he was still able to sleep through his sickness.  I was able to have some quiet time to myself, listening to all the noises around me.  Unusually so, I wasn’t frustrated like I normally would have been.  In times like this prior, I was furious that I couldn’t get sleep.   This time I was just thankful to be where I was, with my family.

Thursday night, we ate dinner with some family, who live in town…and a college friend, whom I’d not seen since 1994 – my friend, Leanna, who I’d lost touch with.  She was one of those girls, that I always missed and wondered where she was.  

Thanks to technology, like FaceBook, we caught up with one another again a week ago.  It was a great night to spend time with her and her new husband.  It was just like old times, minus the alcohol and wild parties.  Same girls … same personalities  … now with way different lifestyles and attitudes.  Life is good when you find your friends are friends again after all these years.  And it didn’t hurt that my son fell in love with her.  He even told her she was ‘hubba hubba’.

Yes, I have a lot to be thankful for this Friday.

If any of you are interested in seeing the interview, you can go here.  Click on ‘Author, Kim McKay’.  BUT please keep in mind that I had little to no sleep and I was having a hard time keeping my mind ‘with it’.  Have a great Friday and remember to count your blessings.


Thanks to you Mike

You know the many things I love about blogging is the people you meet.

I’ve made very good friends through surfing certain blogs and reading particular posts.  You all know I love my girls, Terri and Tam.  Well, I have to give a big shout out to Mike.  He’s a guy that I know I’d consider like a little brother if he were in Oklahoma.  He’s a true guy’s guy, humor and all, but compassionate enough to go to Amazon and buy my book…and sensitive to completely delve into it and love it.  Now that’s what I’d call one amazing dude!

Today he forwarded me this link!  He wrote an amazing book review for me and I’m blessed by every word.  GO check his blog out and leave him some nice comments please! 

Thank you to all of you who have read my book.  A big thanks for your feedback.  And for those who haven’t yet … what are you waiting for?  🙂 LOL!


Your Votes Needed Please

Here is a link where you can go vote for ‘Finding Kylie’ for best fiction.  There are a list of a few books to choose from, but I’m hoping you’ll support my book.

I put it here in long form too – just in case: &utm_medium=email&utm_source=list


I hope you’re all doing well.  I’ve not had much time to blog lately and I apologize.  I’m in the process of working on so many projects, which has kept me pretty occupied.  Leave me a message and let me know if you’re able to access this link.


Thank you!



children, Christianity, dreams, economics, encouragement, faith, faithful fridays, family bonds, financial, Finding Kylie, God, health, help, life, love, Oklahoma, smiles, son, spirituality, talent, thoughts, Uncategorized, women, writing

Faithful Fridays

This has been an amazing week for the little things…

I’m still somewhat unemployed. I had to leave the restaurant because it started causing some minor health problems, due to my little to no time to actually eat. You’d think working with food I’d get to do that…but no. So I’m in the process of trying to find a part time job that will allow me to work around my son’s school schedule, which has been more than challenging as most PT jobs want you to work nights and weekends. This is not when I can work as I have a child at home.

What’s good about that? Well – I’m completely and utterly reliant on God to 100% provide for us as I look for a PT job. And so far my photography business has given us enough to get by in the last month and a half. Whew! This is a big blessing. And I just got hired for another wedding for this summer. Jobs are consistently rolling in…

The weather has warmed up to reach the 60’s and even 70 today. This has given me spring fever and isn’t it wonderful to have a warm breeze in the middle of winter?

I got to spend some time with both my mom and dad, at separate times, yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I don’t get to see them much anymore, and it was nice just to be in their presence.

I met with a pastor at church this week to go over some ideas for my sequel…as one part of it has a sermon involved in it. I need to know I’m on the right track, and it was a big blessing just to sit and have him impart his wisdom on me.

I got a phone call from the Mayor’s office today. He’s granted me a phone interview to discuss sequel. One of my characters in ‘Finding Kylie’, is Jesse Mikale, who is a former Mayor of OKC…turned economic developer. As I delve into more of his work side in the sequel, I’ll need some input from someone who has lived or is living that role. Who better than Mayor Mick Cornett? His office said his Chief of Staff would most likely be the one to visit with me, but imagine my surprise when they called me on my cell yesterday to say he was taking time to visit with me. I was humbled and grateful.

My son tickles my funny bone every day…there’s just too much to catalogue in his daily stand up. But you can get a glimpse of something here that made laugh till I cried – on Wednesday.

My son’s also very excited about Papa John’s new heart shaped Pizza. This will be an economic way I can give him something nice this year…with something he loves most…PIZZA served with love.papa_johns_heart_shaped_pizza_photo

Last but not least…I’m being blessed daily by comments left by readers of Finding Kylie. I’m blown away at what they’re taking away from it and what is left with them, from reading it. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me or left me comments on my blog.

america, American Idol, blessings, celebrities, challenge, Christianity, church, commitments, conflict, encouragement, entertainment, faith, family, favorites, goals, God, help, hollywood, Jesus, life, media, motivation, movies, questions, random, Religion, self improvement, society, spirituality, television, thoughts, women

Ok I admit it…

I’m an entertainment junkie. One of the last commenters, from my last post, got me thinking. What exactly are my vices?

When I was young and a lot wilder, it was having a good time. Now it’s watching other people doing it on TV. Well…not doing ‘it’. LOL! But watching those, who have a blast whether it’s in reality TV or having a blast perfecting their craft.

From the Bachelor to Grey’s Anatomy I have to DVR it to get my fill.

About a year ago, God started tapping my heart…asking me why I was spending so much time with something that wasn’t glorifying Him. It got me thinking – is it some form of Idol worship when you’re spending time in activity that is not promoting your faith? Just how much time should I be dedicating to sucking my brain dry in front of the boob tube? How can I honestly say to my son, “you can only have so much ‘media’ time”, and limit his video games/computer/movie time…when I don’t put limits on me?

Well about a year ago I started trimming the fat so to speak. I stopped recording some shows on the DVR. Instead of all the ABC soaps, I chose to eliminate one of the three. Now I’m up to one and a half. I say that b/c I really enjoy watching ‘General Hospital’, but ‘One Life to Life’ is getting so old and boring that I fast forward through the whole thing. I still see what happens, but don’t have to hear the same character repeating the same old crap. So, now guess what? I’m not going to record it either and move it to the non watching show category along with ‘All My Children’.

There are a few shows I stopped watching in the evening as well. So I’m doing much better in this category, but I’m sure if I let myself admit it, I could really let go of more. The few I can’t let go of at this point? American Idol (even though the name is gets to me – and not in a good way), Bachelor with Jason/Ty, Greys – because of it’s amazing acting and McSteamy, Burn Notice, and LOST.

What are your vices? Has God talked to you about them and have you started to let go of them?