blessings, Christianity, faith, faithful fridays, family, life, love, relationships, thoughts

Friday’s Blessings are Abound

Some short and sweet blessings this week. It’s flown by as it was a short week following a holiday weekend.

*This past weekend was a huge blessing!
**My mom, sister, and I had pedicures and a girls lunch. We’ve not done that in years. It was so sweet just to have us girls together with no boys to interrupt or compete for time. Plus our toes looked awesome. It came with a leg massage too. Bonus!
**The next day I spent with my in-laws cooking out and swimming. They’re so pleasant to be around and we had such a relaxing day. My son turned so brown. He’s my little mexican jumping bean.
**Monday it was quiet time with my son. We spent the day cleaning before heading to another cookout a friend’s house.

*I heard from the publishing house that asked for my manuscript on Monday. My main contact has been in and out of the hospital over the last couple of months, but is back to work. I’m glad she’s feeling better PLUS she said she enjoyed my work and forwarded it on to her acquisition’s editor for a final approval. I’ll know next week if I’m published. I have faith I will be.

*I found a really good deal through a blogging friend on ordering business cards. So I got my long overdue order done on my cards for my photography business.

*My health took a dip this week, after my son passed on his ‘fifth’s disease’ but I’m fine today. My red blood count dipped and I had powerful bad headache’s and nausea. Now I’m back up and running, and don’t even mind the rash on my arms and back.

*Today is Friday and I have a photoshoot on Sunday! Yah! It’s what I love doing.

I hope you’ve all had a good week. How has God blessed you this week???

PS…thinking of running a contest on my Friday blog. It will include a sweet give-a-way but you’ve got to start bloggin your Friday Blessings and link back to me. I’ll update you this week!

blessings, family, family bonds, relationships, thoughts

Another Kubasaki Alumni Going Golden

From time to time you’ll hear me spout off about my buddies from Kubasaki, the high school I graduated from in Okinawa, Japan. We were all a different breed as no matter what our class, race, or religion, we were stuck together for better or for worse and made life long friends. All of my military brat friends have gone on to do something really enriching with their lives, making a path to change the world around them. That’s who we are…brats. We see all these different cultures growing up. We recognize all it takes to survive in the best and worst of times. And we start our lives to make a difference around us.

Ron is another one of my alumni success stories. He works side by side with Robert T Kiyosaki, author of Rich Dad. He’s traveling the world in speaking engagements sharing his financial plan and wisdom in Europe and all over the U.S. He’s the guy in the video, in the black ball cap. GO RON! I’m so proud of you!

rain, random, sleeplessness, spring, storms, surviving, thoughts, Tornado Alley, weather

Today’s Tornado Alley is on Overdrive

Photobucket I stopped counting at 7 tornado’s today. These severe storms were well out of the danger zone as far as my area was concerned, but the news just announced that the entire west half of the state is now under a severe tornado watch till 1 a.m. tomorrow morning.

At one point near Orlando, Oklahoma (I didn’t even know we had an Orlando in our state) I saw two separate tornado’s on the ground within miles of one another. It was reminiscent of the famous May 3rd storm that hit OKC a few years ago. Thankfully neither funnel lasted on the ground for very long, but the clouds looked so dark and full that I was sure if they’d stayed on the ground…they too would have joined forces and could have done some major damage.

Pray that we’re done for the day, and the rest of our state can breathe easy. They’re still rolling up north, and I hope those dissapate and stay gone for the rest of the night. I pray the rest of the state won’t have to worry about storms in the middle of the night.

Every state has it’s weather calamities…California and earthquakes…Michigan and it’s freezing weather…etc… but it’s days like these that make me focus on reasons why I love living here…because tornado alley in overdrive is one big reason NOT to like it here.

appreciation, blessings, China, Christianity, economics, encouragement, faith, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, fatherhood, fathers, favorites, goals, God, life, love, prayer, relationships, thoughts

Friday’s Weekly Blessings Post

This week was an amazing one indeed. Lots of things I’ve been praying for in triplicate have come to fruition, and God has blessed my family so much. I’m so thankful for the following things:

*Although my mom has had some health issues, which are thankfully running it’s course, it has given me some true quality time with my son this week. I’ve been blessed by his bubbly personality, which has been about 80% of the time. The 20% I’m not even gonna discuss cause this post is about blessings. 🙂

*The weather has been absolutely wonderful this week. 70’s & 80’s with a slight breeze. Slightly overcast at times to provide a very gentle spring week.

*My husband has had a full week of work at his new job. He’s been on the job 7 days and is loving his employer and co-workers. He created a commercial from start to finish and even got to help cast the actors to play in his 60 sec spot. He’s living his dream job and I’m so proud of him. I haven’t seen joy in his eyes like this since our wedding day, and I’m so fulfilled knowing God blessed him with the perfect career move.

*Yesterday my husband & I had lunch together during the work day, for the first time in 3 years! At his old job, he couldn’t take the time. On the first week of his current job, he called and asked me for a lunch date. I am so blessed to have that quality time with my husband…just the two of us…as we don’t get that ever.

*I’ve been hinting for months that I need something to happen financially in my job to be able to take care of my family. The big accounts I needed to sign in order to reach this marquis level, which allow me to sell back my portfolio to my company, sadly haven’t ever come through.

So imagine my surprise this week when my company emails me a congratulatory email saying I’m ‘vested’, which means I’ve reached that big step in my career. NOW I can breathe easy knowing that the portfolio I own can be sold back to the company for a decent amount of coin. With this check I plan on cashing I can pay off most of our debt and pay for a destination wedding in July, that I didn’t think we’d be able to afford. Hallelujah! God pulled through a huge miracle, without those big clients to increase my sales, and I’m not sure how it happened. But I’m not going to question it….I’m vested thank God.

*My mom’s health is getting better. You can scroll down to read how she was poisoned from pj’s that were made in China. Today she’s got a killer migraine, but all the swelling and blotchiness is gone. Her joints don’t ache anymore, and she’s almost back to normal.

*We joined a very nice gym this week to work out as a couple. They have a great kids’ area so that we can go as a family. I know God’s laying this on my heart to improve my quality of health. I’m blessed that we joined for only $50 for both my husband and I a month. That’s very cheap.

*My boss is out of town until Tuesday, so I’m not being text bombarded 10-14 times a day. I’m not being hounded and questioned on a daily basis.

*This is a holiday weekend so PRAISE GOD…I’m off on Monday with my family. Sunday we’re going to my brother-in-law’s to swim and cookout. This is a huge blessing to plan for this. I will prepare deviled eggs and bring my favorite….King’s Hawaiian Bread. Yumm!

There are many more things going well in my life, but I won’t bore you with any more details. I’m just so thankful to revel in God’s blessings. It’s always a good practice to look for the good things, when life is bad. It’s always my philosophy that if you look hard enough you can find positive among the most negative circumstances. HOWEVER this week it’s nice just to enjoy the obvious blessings in my life without having to look for them.

I pray you’re finding blessings in your life this week, whether you have to look for them or not. I pray you find peace in those, and find that they can help you through the rough times in life. Look to God each day to help you recognize His gifts to you. Do this on a more routine basis, and I promise you it can be life changing.

allergies, business, care taking, China, corporate America, danger, economics, family, family bonds, fashion, financial, government, health, help, life, Made in China, motivation, Oklahoma, planet, politics, questions, random, safety, sales, secrets, society, surviving, technical difficulties, thoughts, Washington D.C., women

Chinamen’s Curse

I just wanted to share a personal story with you all to implore you to please please watch what you buy from China.

My mom wore some new pajama’s that had already been laundered. The next day her body was covered in red puffiness. She told me that it looked like she had a sunburn from her neck down. She initially thought it was a food reaction, but she ate nothing that was suspect.

I told her to check the label of her new pajamas as the redness effected specific areas of her body, that was covered by them. She did…and they read ‘Made in China’.

The next day she went to the doctor because she started puffing up and getting more splotchy. This is after a day of being away from the garment in suspect. He confirmed after seeing her that it was due to the pesticides used on the fabric in her pajamas. She was having a reaction to the poisons used.

Yesterday, day 3, she was so swollen and achy that she couldn’t get rings on her fingers or shoes on her feet. Today, day 4, she’s in so much pain internally that she can’t move or even hold anything in her hands without pain.

The doctor gave her medicines that have helped her but she’s under a careful eye….mine and the doctors. I am writing this to warn you that the ‘Made in China’ info out there is real. China IS STILL using harmful chemicals on and in our products that are shipped to our country and purchased and used in OUR homes.

Please if your label, for any product, reads ‘Made in China’ please don’t buy it. Don’t put clothes on your own back and especially not your children. Don’t do it! It’s not just something you hear about in the news…it’s hitting home!

My mom is having severe medical issues because China isn’t watching or caring how they’re producing their products, and the OUR OWN COUNTRY isn’t protecting us!

blessings, Christianity, faith, family, family bonds, life, love, prayer, relationships, thoughts

Fridays are Full of Blessings

This week has flown by so quickly, and I’m having a hard time believing it’s Friday.

*This was the last Friday my husband is without a job. He’s starting his new career on Monday. This week we were blessed to have another week of him having quality time at home.

*I got my tax info to my CPA in time for the extension I filed. It looks like I’ll get a nice refund.

*I got some really good news at work today. It’s something I’ve been waiting to find out and it will effect my family financially. If this news is true then we don’t have to worry about finances for the next few months. Please pray that the news I was given is fact, because I could then breathe a sigh of relief.

*My family got to celebrate at a party thrown at my son’s school today. We spent an hour there for play and music time. It was awesome to see a glimpse of my son’s school day and contribute to it. It was a blessing to know that my husband got to be a part of this as well.

*I didn’t hear from my new boss one time today. That was one of the biggest blessings today. Especially considering that Monday he texted me over 10 times being a micro-manager……so glad I didn’t have to deal with that today. Thank you GOD!

*I went to yoga with my sister yesterday. It was such a wonderful stress reliever. I’m so blessed to have my sister as a best friend.

I hope you’ve found some good things that you can thank God for this week.

thoughts, Uncategorized

Wimgo vids promoting Oklahoman’s new website venture

Wimgo is a new website the OPUBCO group has put out to promote all the wonderful things to do and see in my favorite state, Oklahoma. Of all the places I’ve lived, and there have been many national and international, Oklahoma is one of my favorite places to live for many reasons. The below vids will give you a little insight on why.

Mayor Mick Cornett’s wimgo video

Bart and Nadia Conner’s wimgo video

My former boss’ wimgo video

Barry Tramel‘s wimgo video

Another interesting wimgo vid that even mentions one of my favorite outdoor music venues, The Zoo Amphitheater.

blessings, budget, business, Christianity, commitments, conflict, contracts, corporate, corporate America, economics, encouragement, faith, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, life, love, prayer, relationships, thoughts

Fridays are Full of Blessings 5-9-08

I love to get to a Friday and post all those things that gave me peace through God’s blessings for the week. This week I’ve felt God’s hands on me more than ever before.

Here are a few major blessings:

*At noon today my husband was offered a job that was made for him. God brought him the most tailor made environment, boss, and position than any other out there. He got hired on for the exact number we needed for our family budget, and the benefits will be enough to take care of our needs.

*My mom gave me some flats of flowers, so I could fill in my flower beds in the front of my house. My garden is now full of beautiful flowers and expectant bulbs that are waiting to bloom.

*I consolidated two credit cards to one, and the one we closed had a credit balance due to over-payment. Now they’re sending us a check. I opened the mailbox today and received another unexpected check from a doctor’s office for $30.00 of overpayment as well. This comes at a time of emergency needs for just food and gas, and now I don’t have to worry where the money will come from.

*The weather is gorgeous today, and after spending Wednesday in the closet from tornado threats…I’m blessed not to have to worry about storms. Read about it here.

*My son and husband have had so much bonding time this week. It’s been so pleasant to have my husband back to his normal self again, and my son have his daddy back home.

*I got an unexpected account drop in my lap this week. It was one I called on a month ago that I thought wouldn’t sign and had given up on it. This man called me Tuesday wanting to do business with me. Hallelujah I needed that!

*Another friend of mine who knows our situation called me and told me that she TOLD her husband he was going to sign a payroll deal with me. He was opening a new clinic and she didn’t ask him to…she told him he needed to. So that was another unexpected deal to add to my very large goal this month

I don’t know how I’m going to make my numbers this month, but I know God will bless the fruits of my labor. I’m only 15% to my goal and need a whole lot more to make it happen.

I am so at peace this week and so thankful that God has led us through some pretty tough times to some security. Praise your name Lord.