encouragement, family bonds, health, love, positive reinforcement

what I like about you….

So often in life we find ourselves focusing on what we don’t like in others or ourselves. The negative is the forefront of our thoughts and views. In the past, I’ve found myself criticizing myself and others, when they don’t stand up to certain standards.

One thing I try to make a conscious effort to do is to focus on the positives in those around me and myself. They’re much more enjoyable to recognize and acknowledge. I even go as far as mentioning one thing to a person. One small thing to someone, that I like about them. It may be silly to some, but I feel if I can acknowledge one attribute or characteristic in someone…maybe they’ll see something positive in someone else too. It kind of lends a hand in positive thinking.

For example…the other day, after my sister handed me a piece of gum, I said, “You know, one of the many things I like about you is your generosity. Every time you get yourself a piece of gum, you always offer one to me.” She started laughing, but thought it was really sweet too. She thanked me for pointing that out. Now every time she hands me gum or a mint, I just smile and wink at her. It’s kind of a little joke between us.

That is a silly example of ‘the what I like about you’ plan, but if you’re struggling with someone in your life. Maybe a boss, maybe a co-worker, or spouse…I encourage you to focus on something positive you can speak to them about. Don’t we all get enough negative everyday? Aren’t you tired of talking about the negatives in life? Find ONE thing that you want to give kudos to and tell them…..’you know…one of the many things I appreciate about you is __________’

Just fill in the blank. Making someone feel better about themselves is the best gift you can give them, and trust me it’s a gift that will pay you back.

ice storm, travel

The ice storm keep comineth’

The ice storm keep comineth’
Current mood: cold

Okay, after a state of emergency has been declared for the state of OK, due to last weeks ice storm…more is predicted to come this weekend.

It is actually nice to look around and see all the white, until the slipping and sliding of my car redirects my attention to my task at hand–driving. Of course, it’s never the controlled careful drivers to watch out for, like myself. It’s just that there aren’t that many of those on the road.

As if driving on that stuff, isn’t bad enough…now you have to watch for flying ice from the tops of semi’s. I got hit, rather nailed, this week on the hood of my car with a big sheet of thick ice. Thank the Lord, it barely missed my windshield. I would have been toast.

Yesterday the ice melted (slightly). By 5 pm, when the sun (what little there was) was going down, it became worse than before. The sludge wasn’t enough to give us traction….b/c it kept moving around and making our tires slide around in it. Then after 5 pm, it froze into irregular tire patterns, that kept us all guessing where to drive. There weren’t solid tracks anymore.

We’re supposed to get up to 10″ more this weekend. Keep us in your prayers.

Ps….Vanilla Ice’s song ‘ice ice baby’ keeps playing in my head….make it stop!!!!

faith, love, miracles, prayer

Blind faith

I want to encourage you all, that are struggling with the concept of God’s love, to let go of your objections for one second. For one second think about the flip side. What if there is a God, who sent his son to save us from our sins? What if there was an all powerful being, in heaven, preparing a place for you — if you’d only receive him?

I’m not going to break out scripture for you, as I’m not a pastor. I’m not a thumper who forces something down other’s throats. I’m not a zealot who thinks everyone who doesn’t do what I say is going to hell.

I’m am not worthy to judge anyone for their choices or lifestyle. I am someone, however, who has experienced God’s awesome love. Someone who has received many blessings in life, that can’t be explained other than them being from God and his son, Jesus Christ.

Blind faith is a hard concept to swallow, especially for those who have to see to believe. Think about this….

There are those, who, believe that there is no afterlife. They believe we just evaporate into the cosmos. Or they believe we’re reborn into another life form. Okay? I acknowledge that they have a right to their beliefs. God gives them the free will to choose their path.

BUT…what if they’re wrong and God’s word is the truth? A truth that gives them everlasting life, for those that ask him in their heart. A truth that judges those, who choose not to belief and live with him in their hearts and lives. And the consequence for the non believers? well, simply put: hell.

Even if I hadn’t experienced God’s powerful will in my life, and understood his presence in my heart I wouldn’t believe in him as much as I do. Each tragedy and triumph he’s brought me through has strengthened my faith in him. For non-believers, I wouldn’t want to think about the consequences. If I were a non-beleiver and was on the fence, what would my choice be? Choosing that I’d absorb in the cosmos, or reincarnation, or going to hell? If I’m right and hell is real…wouldn’t you want to give your life some thought?

Blind faith is hard to swallow but those that do it…those that take that leap of faith, will see a difference…not immediately. God’s timing is not always our own. We want things now…immediate gratification. God does bless us in his perfect timing. We just have to keep our faith in him, through rough time and good ones. For one second, think about the truth in his word. He will be with us throughout life. He does NOT promise an easy life. Man has free will to choose his path…and that means bad things will happen. He will be there to support you along the way though…to carry you when you can’t walk any longer. Without the valleys, those mountains wouldn’t be as beautiful! Jesus aches to bring you to safety….if you only ask and listen. Listen to the soft whisper in your heart. If your conscience is pushing you to go to church, to read the bible, to pray…remember that it is his voice speaking to you.

For one second take time to reflect on your life. If you died today, what would happen to you? God wants you to indefinitely know the answer without a doubt. He want’s you to know that you’d be in heaven.

family bonds, ice storm, motherhood, travel

home bound

outside night shot of ice storm 2007

The ice has continued to come, day after day. They say it may stop tomorrow and move past Oklahoma for good, but the weather will not warm up any time soon. So needless to say, it will still be dangerous to tread out for the rest of the week. Although it’s a beautiful sight, I am ready to venture out soon. The three of us are home bound and we’re running out of things to do. I’m just glad we haven’t gotten on each other’s nerves. (knock on wood…or ice)

My parents are supposed to fly in on Tuesday, after a 10 day cruise from a summerlike enviroment. Man are they in for a shock. People are getting stranded in airports right and left. I’m sure their flight will come in safely. It’s just a matter of getting them home.

This blanket of ice is deceiving. It looks like snow…fresh and pure, until you drive on it and slip and slide across the road. For those of you who don’t have to get out, please stay safe at home. If you need some interesting ideas to keep you busy, here’s a list of things we’ve found to keep ourselves occupied: (keep in mind I have a three year old)

Turn the lights out and play with flashlights
Make cookies
Get out the playdough or moonsand (that lasted for 2 1/2 hours today)
Read books
Clean house (my sister deep cleaned her whole place)
Do Laundry
Get in the kitchen and create culinary surprises
Create an art masterpiece
and if all else fails….get out some movies….

ice storm, travel

7 hour road trip on the ice

Thursday the 11th, I had to travel to Dallas for an awards banquet I was invited to through work. Only a select few were invited, based on their preformance in 2006. Being new to the company, I was honored to be invited.

HOWEVER…bad weather was due to strike and I wasn’t looking forward to traveling. But since when am I at ease leaving my family and traveling? When I was younger and had no one at home depending on me, I loved to be on the road. IT rocked! But now, it’s a little different.

I have to say that I had a great time! We had a cozy group of about 45 people from our region. It was a private catered dinner at our Regional Manager’s loft/condo in the ritzy, trendy part of big D. And then we went on his rooftop to toast our success and the new year with a round of champagne toasts. We all said a little, and gave our thanks to those that have helped us achieve our milestones in our career. Hip Hip Horah!

Driving home today was no fun at all. What would normally take 3 to 3 1/2 hours took 7 long tedious hours. It wasn’t icy in Texas yet, but it was pouring rain so hard that we couldn’t see the road. The second we crossed the state line, we noticed the temperature drop. And about 40 miles into our great state of Oklahoma, it got severe. Our windshield iced over, and the roads went from wet to slippery in an instant. Many cars slid into ditches.

Everyone sane was driving between 35-40 miles per hour. However, there were a few kooks that sped down like it was Indy. They would have liked to have almost killed us all. The semi’s flew down the road just as fast. What drugs are those guys on that they think they can keep on truckin’ in a major ice storm?

Anyway, I’m just glad to be home safe and sound. My son told me that he and daddy prayed for me to travel safe. He wanted to know all about my trip. I told him I had to call 911 for someone who slid off the highway and down a big hill. So he thought that was pretty amazing. All is well and thank you to all of you who texted me on the road to check up on me.

Love to you all!

faith, health, love, motherhood

health matters

I’ve been very blessed with a very healthy child. Although he used to have severe food allergies, that landed an ambulance at our house a time or two, he has a very strong immune system. In his three years, I can count on one hand how many times we’ve had any major health issues. Lucky for him, he comes from good stock. Not that I’m comparing my family to cattle, but my side of the family just isn’t prone to the flu or anything more than a little congestion or hayfever. Don’t get me wrong, cancer is rampant in my family on both sides…but they only affected the older members when they were past the age of 85.

Today however, I woke up with the sounds of my son screaming for me to come to his room and then puking. I’ve not dealt with him in this state yet. How crazy is that? He’s going to be 4 and he’s yet to be hit with any big projectile issues. Needless to say, I instantly called my mom to make sure I remembered the drill on how to take care of him…but I forgot she was on a cruise for 2 weeks with my dad. Crappy timing, but I handled it just fine. Being a caretaker runs in my blood and by noon, he was ready for a chocolate and a pound of salami. It was like pulling teeth to get him to settle on bland white foods like saltines, apple sauce, tapioca pudding, and jello, but he’s a good kid. He tried a few times to get his way, but quickly realized it wasn’t going to happen.

He and I haven’t had a full night’s sleep in 2 weeks. We both are prone to wake up at the drop of a hat, and have trouble getting back to a full R.E.M. So I pray tonight we all get a peaceful sleep.

Thank the Lord, my son bounces back quickly!

family bonds, love, motherhood

Manual for Motherhood

No one ever really prepares you for being a parent. The standard phrase I got when I was pregnant was, “Oh get your sleep now while you can!” or they might say, “Good luck you’re going to need it!”

Even the important people in my life never truly passed on enough wisdom for me to have a handle on how it’s supposed to work. I always wondered why there wasn’t a handbook that will tell you things like:

When your son in potty trained, stay alert. He’ll still shoot the pea out between the lid and the toilet when he sits down. Have a rag handy for quick catches!


No matter how hard you try to get your child to sleep through the night (and they finally do)…..don’t relax just yet. Then the nightmare phase is coming and it starts all over again.

All I have to say is thank God for my mom. She may not have had any written instructions for me but she taught me the basic foundation by example. OH yes, she usually had her ‘gems of wisdom’ that would always come in handy at the exact moment I needed them, but for the most part she taught me to like myself for who I am. She inspired me to try hard at what ever I did and if I messed up….start over. She pushed me to step outside my box and take a few leaps of faith. And, she taught me that I can do whatever I want to…as long as I treat others the way I’d want to be treated along the way.

My mom was and is the epitomy of God’s love. Looking back, with some experience in her shoes now…I see how tired she was. How frustrated she got…..and how perfect she was even when I thought she was the most horrible person in the world for not giving me “MY” way.

So only having 3 1/2 years of motherhood, I’ve learned a few things the hard way. I still have no idea about a lot, but when it boils down, every child is different. A manual just wouldn’t apply. They’d all have to have their own set of instructions if that were the case and that’s just too much for one writer to take on.

Parenting is:
Fool proof love and patience mixed with discipline, helpful instruction and a lot of prayer that we don’t screw it up.

I encourage all of you to call you mother and tell her how much you love AND APPRECIATE her. She’s the most important person in the world, because if it weren’t for her….you wouldn’t be here!

etiquette, family, family bonds, health, humor, love, manners, motherhood, smoking, Uncategorized

a child’s curiousity

My mom called me the other day and put my son on the phone. She said he had a question for me. His little voice lit up my day and I heard….”Ummm, mom? How do you smoke?”

He’s three and only been around a few people that he’s seen light up. My family are not smokers, but my neighbors do it on their front porch. My husband has a couple of family members that do it, but go in their garage to keep the second hand smoke from endangering the rest of us. So needless to say, he’s probably only seen it a couple of times in his little life, but was obviously wondering about it.

I asked him who he saw smoking and he mentioned my nieghbor’s name. I told him that I was proud of him for asking me that question and encouraged him to always ask me anything he had on his mind, but that we didn’t smoke and he should never try it either.

He asked why, and I told him that it would make his lungs black and would make him very-very sick. I said that we shouldn’t do anything that would put any of us in harms way, and for that matter not to breathe any smoke in when he sees anyone else smoking.

My mother’s policy when I grew up was: If a child is old enough to ask–then they’re old enough to know the truth. I find myself now with that same philosophy. I was so proud of him for wanting to call me to find out, except now that he knows it is not good for him or anyone else…he wants to call our neighbor and tell him and his wife to stop smoking.

Yesterday, I finally got around to calling that same nieghbor to thank him for my son’s Christmas gift. I got their answering machine. My little T got the phone and asked,”ummm, do you smoke?” Then he hung up.

Okay….like that’s not going to be an interesting piece of conversation once I see my next door nieghbors again! Coincidentally enough, this past Sunday’s sermon was about how to take care of yourself….body and spirit. The pastor mentioned giving things up like smoking. My son looked at me and said, “See that’s bad to smoke.” I think that’s something that will stick with him for a long time.my son's feet on a rainy day

family bonds, love, nostalgia, Uncategorized

A grandparent’s love that lasts a lifetime…

My mom’s parents, my grandparents, were one of a kind. The last breed of their generation. They opened their home to many people to be fed and sheltered. My grandmother was a culinary genius and one of the oldest of 13 children. So she grew up caretaking before she started her own family. She raised 3 children while going back to the university to finish her degree. She was a school teacher as well…home-ec. Now keep in mind, this is in the 40’s. Women barely obtained an education, let alone while they were keeping a home and raising three kids under the age of 9. She gave sage medical advice on diet and first aid, that experts these days still swear by. She didn’t have to go to school to obtain that knowledge, it just came natural to her. She was a highly intuitive and intelligent woman.

I will always remember coming home, via our cross country road trips in our winnebago or our station wagon, and pulling up infront of their home in Oklahoma. I would be the first person to jump out of the car, partly because I couldn’t wait to go pee, but mostly because I knew her shoulders would shrug in anticipation. And I knew she’d throw open her soft arms to envelope me into her warm cuddly hug. The house would always smell of home-made rolls or cookies.

My grandfather was a jack of all trades; a volunteer crossgaurd, a telephone repairmen, an architect, a photographer, a boy scout troop leader, a carpenter with his own home-made hand tools, a red cross volunteer. He even volunteered at the old ’89ner baseball stadium at the red cross booth attending to those that needed it.

He was a stand up comedian before his time. I will always remember his silly pet names for kids on the street. He called all the boys Suzy, especially when they started wearing their hair long in the late ’70’s. I have too many favorite memories to share about my Papa, but will never forget how loved he made us all feel. He made me my own kitchen stove for Christmas when I was 3, with a working light in the oven. He always would cut out ‘Family Circus’ cartoons to mail me whenever he wrote a letter. When he hugged me, his hearing aid would whistle because he kept it turned up too high. My papa would act like he couldn’t hear anything but didn’t miss a beat. His faithful poodle, Lucky, was toted around with him everwhere he went, even if it was just a few short feet from his easy chair to stand and look out the back door. The man never went anywhere without that dog, and it almost killed him when she died. He never lost him humor though…it was in everything hie did…even when he walked, he tapped his cain on the ground a little too many times in a row. He just wanted to see if anyone would tell him to stop. Every action, he did with purpose to get a smile or a laugh.

I was with my papa when he died and I helped take care of my grandma when she was dying. Two things that still go with me wherever I go. They’re presence is always with me, but stronger at times than others. Sometimes I know they’ve visited me in my dreams, and others all I have to do is trully listen and now they’re with me when I’m awake. I can feel them now filling my heart with love.

I often drive by their house. I usually park at the curb just to sit and take it all in. I haven’t dared step foot on it since we sold it. Their humble home sits a few miles from where I went to college, and while getting my education, their home was mine. I was with them a lot, doing laundry–eating–or spending a little time. I don’t say ‘a lot of time’, because as a kid in college — you’re in a hurry to get back to your own life and friends.

Whenever I would leave to go back to my room or class, I would always hear my papa saying, “Hey what’s the hurry. Do you really have to go? You could stay the night.” And I would just roll my eyes and say, “No. I gotto go, but I’ll be back. Love you guys.”

Just recently, I was running errands with my son, and something just said…’come visit’. So I took my son to see where his Nana, my mom, grew up. He’s never been there and I thought it would be nice to bring little T to see where his family lived and loved. So I got him out of the car and showed him the bottom of the driveway, where my mom and sisters in 1945 stepped barefoot in the wet cement.

He took his little vans and placed his shoes one at a time over each set of foot prints to see which would fit best. It was so heart wrenching and warming at the same time. We walked a little further up the drive way and this is where I started to get emotional….I saw my grandparents initials written lovingly in the cement on top one another. In 1945, they loved each other so much. I stood there,frozen, as my eyes watered up. If it werent for my son running off and up the side walk, I would have stayed there staring at it.

It felt so natural to see my son running around the yard and trying to investigate every inch of the place. It was as if my grandparents were waiting inside to sweep him up in their arms to welcome him….and me home. We were home and all the memories of that house came pouring back as I stepped along the walkway. I passed the garden and remembered how I would cut through it to jump up on the porch to bypass the steps. I remembered playing on the porch swings, that were no longer there. Although I felt in a time warp, the realization hit when I saw a sign on the porchthat held the currnet name of the owners. All of the sudden, I felt like I was trespassing. Ringing the doorbell didn’t result in anything. No one was home…in more ways than one.

Coincidentally enough, a college buddy of mine lives next door to my old grandparent’s house. A house I also spent my summers growing up in. I rang to doorbell to ask if it would be alright if I took my little boy to the back yard, where my grandmother used to grow her own grapes for jam. The backyard, where Lucky, our poodle would run circles around me and would let me push her in an antique baby buggy. The backyard, where Papa had a door that led to his darkroom/basement to develope his own photos. The backyard, that we’d have snowball fights in and where I just needed to step one more time in to get a little closure.

Ofcourse I knew he would say to go ahead…the owners wouldn’t care…but I just wanted to make sure.

My son ran around and I took it all in. The grapes were growing up and were rapidly spreading. The owners built a large wooden trellace to support them. The vegetable garden was gone, but I knew where it had been and could still see it: Grandma’ fresh tomatoes and green beans. The yard was precious and now that my little guy had been there it was perfect.

I left and knew that my grandparents were there too. Only this time, I didn’t hear, “Hey what’s your hurry. Can’t you stay a while?” I only felt gratitude that I’d come at all.


faith, miracles, prayer

Everday Miracles

serene star fish on the shoreOne thing that always gets me is when people call me ‘lucky’ or when something good happens in their own life-they wonder at their own good luck. I think too often in our society we overlook our blessings! I know firsthand how many miracles have been preformed in my life, and luck had nothing to do with them. I know non-believers can’t give credit where credit is due because they don’t believe God is at work in their own lives….especially when it comes to the small stuff.

Trust me people–God’s miracles aren’t just in the Bible! From the moment we’re born we’re blessed with relationships, jobs, safe travels, a comforting shoulder when we’re upset, a smile from a stranger. We never know what God is delivering right in our own lap if we don’t pay attention. Someone asked me lately how I stay in tune with God even when life gets so bad. That’s when I try to stay more in tune than ever by counting my blessings.

I have made subtle little comments in previous blogs on difficult times in my life, but have never given any insight to my friends, who have asked, what thoses are. My real friends know these things, but you—reading this— probably don’t. I won’t bog you down with life’s trauma, but I will try to uplift you by telling you about God’s inspiration in my life.

My husband a few years back had a severe case of adult on set allergies that we were unaware of. He was allergic to many foods that he unknowingly kept eating until one night it was too late. We were heading home after a night of food and beverage, and my better half started acting irate and irritable due to the supply of oxygen slowly being cut off. Being a newly wed, I just thought I was seeing a new side to my husband and was clueless. We started home and was about a mile from our house when he pulled over claiming he was not feeling well enough to make it that last mile.

By the time it took for he and I to switch places and fasten our seatbelts…he was passed out with his neck swollen past his chin and clavicle. His face was so swollen that his eyes were sunk in and he wasn’t breathing. Thank the Lord for LARGE miracles, we had pulled over in a parking lot across from a hospital. So I took off running red lights, stop signs and driving into oncoming traffic….all the while beating his chest with one fist and trying to steer with the other.

Our life flashed before my eyes…the years we would never have, the children we’d never conceive….and all I could yell was, “God No, Please NO! Help me!” I pulled into the ER after driving around it twice trying to find the ER entrance….it wasn’t clearly marked back then like it is now. I rolled down my window and started screaming to get a doctor. It felt like an episode of ER. The doctor’s would not let me back to see him once I parked and came inside. From what I learned later … if I had gotten him there 20 seconds later, he wouldn’t have made it. His air way was so constricted that they couldn’t even bag him to get a tube down his throat. Afterwards, a nurse told me they weren’t having any success tubing him and didn’t think he would make it. She told me I was lucky. It wasn’t luck that my husband made it, & with 20 seconds to spare!

That night, God provided 1 of countless miracles in my life and I’ll never forget the panic and fear I felt. He kept me sane enough to drive with out crashing into oncoming traffic and around cars at stop signs. He got me to the hospital in the nick of time, and he saved the love of my life.

I just wanted to share with you that He loves all of you.

You all have miracles in your life as well. You just have to stop and pay attention.