children, disasterous, encouragement, faith, family, family bonds, health, lack of sleep, life, love, medical, miracles, motherhood, motivation, Oklahoma, prayer, secrets, sleep, sleeplessness, surviving, thoughts, tornado, weather

Minor tornado hits a few miles from home

tornadoMy son and I spent the late afternoon in the closet. I had already been up all night with him, due to his stomach virus, and was pretty tired. The hard rains were relaxing and I was reveling in some downtime on the couch, while he watched ‘Clifford’. Then the sirens started blaring. I popped up and changed to one of the major news stations, when the phone started ringing. It’s no secret that it wasn’t great news with all the action hitting at once. Although my son is completely better today, he was still worn out from being up sick all night and was terrified by the tornado warning sirens.

I popped him on my hip, and threw some pillows and blankets in our closet. I made him a pallet so he’d feel comfortable sitting there for a few mintues while I gathered things like bottled water and a cell phone, which had a next to dead battery. **note to self…charge phone…more storms hitting tomorrow.

Everytime a storm hits, I always think, “Man why don’t I have a storm ready closet?” I need things packed in there ahead of time so I don’t have to run around to shove them in while somethings heading our way. Everyone in tornado alley should have these necessities in their closets, cellars, or storm safe shelters:

*Flashlight with extra batteries
*12 pack of bottled water
*First Aid Kit
*blankets, pillows
*battery powered radio to listen to weather
*cell phone (preferrably charged…thank you)
*snack bars, snack food
*extra change of clothing/underwear
*ziplock baggie full of personal info like: credit card numbers, insurance phone numbers/policy info, emergency phone numbers, etc.
*those with children: extra diapers, food, formula, bottles
*travel pack (toothbrushes, travel toothpaste, wipes, eye drops)

If I forgot anything above….I’m sure you get the idea. I am making a promise to my family to be better prepared. I am printing this list off and putting it in action this week!!

The really good is…it’s a miralce actually…if my son hadn’t been so sick last night and I hadn’t kept him home, I would have been exiting at the exact place at the exact time where the tornado hit and flipped cars over on the road. I would have been exiting to go pick him up from day care and could have been in a serious accident.

… Although I never want my son to be sick, God used my son’s sickness to save me from a worse fate.

allergies, conflict, faith, family, life, media, Oklahoma, prayer, random, surviving, thoughts, tornado, weather

The Beauty and Dangers of Spring in OKC

435801270_08cc4c9e49_t.jpgThis year starts out as any–strong rains leading into an explosion of color. Flowers in bloom along with any allergy known to man. They say pollen this year is at an all time high, which is probably why everyone I know is suffering from hayfever.

The birds sing their sweet wake up call to us as we awake each morning. They chirp from atop our chimney and it comes echoing through our home. My son is loving thier adorable sounds. Along with each of these wonderful things are the strong breezes that whip around our home, which makes my heart skip a little beat each time my window rattles. Those breezes are just tells or signs of the dangers of spring in Oklahoma. You see we’re in

commitments, conflict, encouragement, exercise, family, health, humor, ice storm, leadership, life, love, management, medical, motherhood, motivation, positive reinforcement, prayer, smoking, sports, surviving, thoughts, wieght, women, work out

committing to myself

workoutI am not a huge fan of the gym. I haven’t been a faithful attendee in many many years. I started yoga about 6 months ago due to my conscience nagging me to do ‘something’ to keep in shape.

Let me clarify that I am one of those sickening people, who have a high metabolism and don’t really have to work out to stay at a target wieght. Most women hate women like me. I was a swim suit model about 18 years ago, but that body is no longer to be found. I won’t even wear shorts anymore. I’m not fat but I’m not firm! Being in my mid 30’s, I know that I need to start some sort of regimen for my future health. I know according to studies that it will help with osteoperosis, heart disease, and overall mental wellness. Not only that, but I need to set a good example for my son.

My husband has started a new work out routine this year too, so he’s been very motivating to watch. If he can stick with it — I know I can. He’s the kind that is all or nothing….kind of like a pendulum, swinging back and forth. It’s almost like he falls off the wagon of whatever kick he’s trying to achieve. He’s been going through one diet or exersize program or another the whole time I’ve known him, and he’s never stuck to it, however this time we made a contract.

He has to lose a certain number by November 24th, and then he’s allowing himself to eat what he wants on Thanksgiving. After Thanksgiving he has to maintain that number throughout the rest of the year. If he dips below this number, he has a week to reach his target number. If he fails to have a consistant workout and maintain his wieght, than there is a penalty.

My husband started a Christmas fund at work. So at the end of the year, if he doesn’t break his contract…he gets the entire sum to use as he pleases, which will most likely be a plasma TV. If he breaks his contract, then I get the money and I will pay off bills. I really want him to succeed and I know he will. He’s driven! This contract has changed his life.

I think it’s all about focus. Like my husband, most people get their desired wieght or result and then slack off. They think, “Whew! I made it…now lets celebrate with some chocolate ice cream!” Then they jump off the deep end for some more…they fall off the wagon. I would love to challenge those, on the teeter totter of dieting, to give themselves a reward that only pays out after 12 months!! This will keep YOU motivated to continue your healthy living and eating habits to sustain your desired target wieght.

Today was my first day back to the gym in months. When the ice storms hit Oklahoma, I used that as my excuse not to go to my yoga class. Then I injured myself and had to stay off my foot for about 6 weeks. I had no control over my injury. BUT I’m all better now and I’m noticing fat pockets depositing themselves above my knees. I have a muffin top around my waist from having my kiddo. These are things I hate about my body. I am 5’7 and 138, which isn’t bad but I’m soft and I don’t like it.

This is my commitment today….

I will lose 5 pounds.
I will tone and firm those areas that have been neglected for years.
I will get rid of the cottage cheese that is starting to get a little out of control!!!
Just because I’m a mommy—I refuse to let myself go!!!

I want to be healthy minded, and have a healthy body. Our bodies are our temples! I know I’ve been neglecting mine and today is my first step to committing to me! Now I just have to have the resolve to follow through. My gym is starting a ZUMBA class which encorporates Latin dance, and I can’t wait to take those classes. The dancer in me is itching to dive into it. I would love to have this body…body type I will keep you updated!!!

To see what else I did please link to

commitments, conflict, faith, family, family bonds, humor, leadership, life, management, media, military, motherhood, politics, society, thoughts

peace vs. protection

As a loving human being, I would love total world peace. However, I am not one of those pagaent spoofs, that you see in the movies, that declare their stance with a southern twang of their desire for world peace. It’s a great concept in a perfect world, but we don’t live in a perfect world.

As a mother I understand what it means to protect what you love. If someone even thinks about trying to harm my family, I will strike and STRIKE HARD! Those that threaten my peaceful family unit wouldn’t ever know what hit ’em.

As a Christian, I want to give fellow humans the benefit of the doubt through God’s love, but I’m not clueless to the ways of the world and how warped most in it are.

This being said, I stand up for my country and have to take a stand for our military. Maybe coming from a military family gave me a diferent view to my world, but I know the sacrifices being made every day for me and my rights. The war and military protesters in our country have a right to their opinions, but they’re so far gone over the edge it seems that they can’t see their own rights ending at the end of their noses. It is not their right to bash our military. It is their right to object to it. It is not their right to try to defile monuments in Washington D.C as a symbol of protest! It is their right to march right by it yelling their crazy antics.

I just want one protester…..just once….to acknowledge all that this country, and the military, have done for them. If it weren’t for those honorable military men and women, who have served for generations before they were born, they wouldn’t be marching and yelling their protests today. They wouldn’t have their freedom of speach!

Am I a fan of war? NO! Do I think it’s time to bring our military home? YES! But do I believe in protecting what I love? ABSOLUTELY YES! Would I take drastic measures to do so? You bet I would.

I think 9/11 in my mind, made it necessary for us to strike back in protection of our country. Has the war gone on long enough? Yes, but am I an expert of the intimate dealings of the politics, in Iraq or the inner offices of Washington, to know what threats still lie? NO, I am not. Therefore, I can’t make that call…only the office of the President can.

I think this email I received, shown below, sums up how a lot of us feel.

Many of us will encounter “Peace Activists” who will try and
convince us that we must refrain from retaliating against the ones
who terrorized us all on September 11, 2001.

These activists may be alone or in a gathering…..most of us
don’t know how to react to them. When you come upon one of these
people, or one of their rallies, here are the proper rules of

1. Listen politely while this person explains their views. Strike
up a conversation if necessary and look very interested in their
ideas. They will tell you how revenge is immoral, and that by
attacking the people who did this to us, we will only bring on
more violence. They will probably use many arguments, ranging from
political to religious to humanitarian.

2. In the middle of their remarks, without any warning, punch them
in the nose.

3. When the person gets up off of the ground, they will be very
angry and they may try to hit you, so be careful.

4. Very quickly and calmly remind the person that violence only
brings about more violence and remind them of their stand on this
matter. Tell them if they are really committed to a nonviolent
approach to undeserved attacks, they will turn the other cheek and
negotiate a solution. Tell them they must lead by example if they
really believe what they are saying.

5. Most of them will think for a moment and then agree that you are

6. As soon as they do that, hit them again. Only this time hit
them much harder. Square in the nose.

7. Repeat steps 2-5 until the desired results are obtained and the
idiot realizes how stupid an argument he/she is making.

8. There is no difference in an individual attacking an
unsuspecting victim or a group of terrorists attacking a nation of
people. It is unacceptable and must be dealt with.

We either strike back, VERY HARD, or we will keep getting hit in
the nose.

Granted this email is just a joke…so don’t take this literally anyone! It’s just a little humor for you to entertain some thoughts on the military and how they’ve fought all these years to give you what you have today—your freedom!

commitments, counseling, encouragement, faith, health, leadership, life, literary, love, management, manners, miracles, positive reinforcement, prayer, random, thoughts, writing

Using what God gave you

meA great orator, I am not! It’s not that I’m not good with words, because I am a very logical or analytic person, who help a few people along the way with words of wisdom. My mind has the what needs to be said, I just can’t get the words out in some instances. Like when it comes to public speaking, or speaking to someone under fire…I clam up! I stutter! I run my words together! I only speak well when I’m at ease with the person with me and or the situation I’m in. Conflict is obviously not good for my verbal skills. And my lack of ability to speak isn’t even that noticable to most, but noticable enough that I can not command with authority when I’m not confident speaking.

Writing is where I can excell in getting out a message…in a letter, card, or a blog. I am sure I make many grammatical errors when writing, but I still speak/write from my heart and it reaches those that it’s intended to reach. I use what God gave me to do His will in my life.

That doesn’t change the fact that I have always been bothered that I can’t just stand up and speak eloquently, like most around me. I think I could do better at this, but focus on my inabilities so much that it undermines me even more. Last night, I read in my devotional book,Faith for a Lifetime, an excerpt about reaching out with love. It helped me see this issue of mine a whole lot clearer. It gave me such peace, knowing that I can use what talents I have and be ‘okay’ just the way I am.

Don’t get me wrong…I subscribe to the whole SNL Stuart Smalley philosophy. I like me just the way I am…but get real! We all have things that bother us about ourselves that we would like to be better at! This doesn’t mean that I won’t keep trying to improve on my confidence level with my speech, but the little testimonial book gave me a whole lot clearer message.

May the Lord…incline our hearts to Himself,…that all the peoples of the earth may know that the Lord is God.
1 KINGS 8:57-60

Christa Kinde, Women of Faith Devotional Bible, stated, “God uses the simple things of the world to confound the wise. In other words, He can take our everyday routines, our oridinary curcumstances, and our simple faith to change lives. DONT LET FEARS AND UNCERTAINTIES GET IN THE WAY OF SHOWING GOD’S LOVE. Reach out to those around you. Tell them about your own experiences. God will use your kindness and unselfishness to capture the attention of the lonely and the lost.

I encourage you all of faith, who are afraid of testifying because you feel you need to stand on a street corner to do it, not to focus on what you could never do. I think Satan works on our fears…obviously. But what I’m trying to get across is that he gets in our heads, and tell us that we could never be workers of God because we’d have to do something we’re not comfortable with.

Yes, if you’re heart is being called to stand on a street corner…..for heaven’s sake…do it! Thats not my way, but it is for some. BUT if you’re focusing on all the different ways you could never testify or exclaim your faith—stop focusing on what you can’t do and figure out what you can do! Even if it’s simply stopping a someone at a gas station, and letting them know that God wanted you to give them a small blessing today, while handing them an extra $10.

Start small and work your way into what feel comfortable for you.
Leave your radio station on with Christian music when car pooling.
Ask your nieghbors if they’ve found a good church home.
Pray that God gives you the means to express your faith in some way that is unexpected!

Most importantly LIVE YOUR LIFE LIKE JESUS WOULD EXPECT….honorably with a clean living!
Keep Him in your hearts at all times with every action and word spoken.
Your life will be your testimony and others will take notice, I promise!
Pretty soon you’ll have people asking YOU–why you’re so different and what your beliefs are.
That’s your opportunity to share your faith and your heart.

business, commitments, encouragement, life, literary, management, nostalgia, publishing, random, surviving, taxes, thoughts, women, writing

Manuscript in hand and ready to go?

For those of you who know me, you know I’ve been working on my manuscript for a year. I had most of it all done in 5 months with only a few chapters to go. It’s 51 chapters long. Okay….sounds long, but it’s a quick and interesting read.

For those of you who don’t know me, see the paragraph above :)!

This past year I have been slacking off in getting my query letters out to agencies and pub houses. After my husband’s grandma died, I took a break due to lack of creativity. PLUS I felt my query letter didn’t have a good enough ‘hook’ to get me noticed. Most letters don’t even get read anyway…they get filed in the all purpose trash can.

This month is my commitment month!

FIRST to get my taxes done and submitted, and then to finish my last chapter and work on getting it published. How many of you are on this path? This book has been in my head and in my heart for over 15 years, and is a beautiful story of survival. Most women that I’ve let read some chapters, for market research, haven’t been able to put it down and have asked for more. Even one year later, I have a few people that have called to ask when I can get a couple more chapters to them. A few of these callers have given me what I’ve needed to get back on the horse….taxes and manuscript…..taxes and manuscript.

Now it’s on to more rejection letters, which doesn’t bother me at all. In fact, the more rejection letters I get…the more excited I become. Those ‘no’ letters are that much closer to a YES! Whenever that may happen, only God knows.

Does anyone ever recommend print on demand or self publishing?

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March Blessings!

My adorable little son sits mimicking his dad, on the couch, watching March Madness. Each year, my sports widowdom has become less and less depressing as I watch my son take on the love of the game.

I love sports, but my dear husband is a finatic of any sport…football, basketball, car races, or ping pong…if they broadcast it. I get a little overloaded some seasons, and have to just ignore most of it. However now I see my little four year old idolizing my husbands zeal for the game. He had his terrible towel last two football seasons, and could yell for Ben Roethlisberger early on. “Number 7! He’s my guy! Go Ben Rothlessssbrgerrrr,” he would yell while twirling his toddler terrible towel.

Now it’s basketball season, and the ides of March are upon us. I usually do the brackets and do better than my husband does. It’s a women’s intuition thing….I don’t research the teams. I just get a gut feeling and go with it. This year I have chosen not to watch (see TIME FOR HIM post), so I’m just sitting back and watching my son have so much fun with his daddy. It’s such a blessing to see the simple things in life and adore them.

Thank you LORD for my family, our health, and for blessing our needs before we even know what they are ourselves….Amen!

harassment, health, leadership, life, management, manners, media, medical, military, politics, random, society, supervisors, thoughts, work

unbalanced soap box

I think that the media has a way of slanting most things in life. It’s never grey…it’s always black and white, and most days those views support a very liberal slant. I am not saying that being liberal in some means isn’t okay. Everyone has their own point of view. BUT it’s obvious when you read a newspaper or watch the nightly news most days that it is pretty one sided. And most Americans take what the media says…not with a grain of salt…but by pulling out their soap box to stand on– without the whole story. Not everything is as it seems.

This email I’m going to re-post is just something to think about. I just thought it was a wonderful and balanced counter to an issue – that in my opinion … is being misrepresented and presented in a very unbalanced way … and, at the expense of the Military Medical System.

Today the Oklahoman Newspaper reports, which you also can see at, that Mary Fallon, our new Congresswoman, took a tour of our VA Hospital. Her comments were on many of the good things that she saw and some administrative things that need be improved. This was balanced reporting!

Quoting my father, retired Officer in the Marines of 30 years, “The Walter Reed MC ‘thing’ is a good case in point of how the liberal media is not even-handed in their reporting. From my readings this issue is being fanned and blown out of proportion by the Democrats (read election year) and used as another way to weaken and embarrass a Republican Administration.

Politicians seemingly get away with libeling slander … that shouldn’t be. You and I would be subject to … at least a civil law suit. And, we could be the subject of a Federal Charge (for a Hate Crime) if “IT” (our slanderous statements) … were directed towards someone of certain cultural &/or ethic backgrounds.”

I think my dear old dad hit it on the head!!!

Here is the letter I received for your reading enjoyment:

Sent: Tuesday, March 13, 2007 10:43 AM

I have had enough and am going to give my
perspective on the news about Walter Reed Army
Medical Center. Please understand that I am speaking
for myself and I am responsible for my thoughts
alone. The news media and politicians are making it
sound like Walter Reed is a terrible place and the
staff here has been abusing our brave wounded
soldiers; what a bunch of bull!

I am completing my 24th year of service in the Army
next month so you decide for yourself if I have the
experience to write about this topic. I have been
the senior clinical chaplain at Walter Reed for
four years and will leave to go back to the infantry
this summer. I supervise the chaplain staff inside
Walter Reed that cares for the 200 inpatients, the
650+ daily outpatients from the war who come to us
for medical care, the 4000+ staff, and over 3000
soldiers and their families that come for clinical
appointments daily.

Walter Reed has cared for over 5500 wounded from the
war. I cannot count the number of sick and
non-battle injured that have come through over that
timeframe. The staff at this facility has done an
incredible job at the largest US military medical
center with the worst injured of the war. We have
cared for over 400 amputees and their families. I am
privileged to serve the wounded, their families, and
our staff.

When the news about building 18 broke I was on
leave. I was in shock when the news broke. We in the
chaplains office in Walter Reed, as well as the
majority of people at Walter Reed, did not know
anyone was in building 18. I didn’t even know we had
a building 18. How can that happen? Walter Reed is
over 100 acres of 66 buildings on two installations.
Building 18 is not on the installation of Walter
Reed and was believed to be closed years ago by our

The fact that some leaders in the medical brigade
that is in charge of the outpatients put soldiers in
there is terrible. That is why the company
commander, first sergeant, and a group of platoon
leaders and platoon sergeants were relieved
immediately. They failed their soldiers and the
Army. The commanding general was later relieved
(more about this) and his sergeant major has been
told to move on–if he gets to. The brigade sergeant
major was relieved and more relief’s are sure to
come and need to.

As any leader knows, if you do not take care of
soldiers, lie, and then try to cover it up, you are
not worthy of the commission you hold and should be
sent packing. I have no issue, and am actually
proud, that they did relieve the leaders they found
who knew of the terrible conditions some of our
outpatients were enduring. The media is making it
sound like these conditions are rampant at Walter
Reed and nothing could be further from the truth. We
need improvements and will now get them. I hate it
that it took this to make it happen.

The Army and the media made MG Weightman, our CG,
out to be the problem and fired him. This was a
great injustice. He was only here for six months, is
responsible for military medical care in the 20
Northeast states, wears four “hats” of
responsibilities, and relies on his subordinate
leaders to know what is happening in their areas of
responsibilities. He has a colonel that runs the
hospital (my hospital commander), a colonel that
runs the medical brigade (where the outpatient
wounded are assigned and supposedly cared for), and
a colonel that is responsible to run the garrison
and installation.

What people don’t know is that he was making many
changes as he became aware of them and had requested
money to fix other places on the installation. The
Army did not come through until four months after he
asked for the money, remember that he was here only
six months, which was only days before they relieved
him. His leaders responsible for outpatient care did
not tell him about conditions in building 18. He has
been an incredible leader who really cares about the
wounded, their families, and our staff. I cannot say
the same about a former commander, who was my first
commander here at Walter Reed, and definitely knew
about many problems and is in the position to fix
them and he did not.

MG Weightman also should not be held responsible for
the military’s unjust and inefficient medical board
system and the problems in the VA system. We lost a
great leader and passionate man who showed he had
the guts to make changes and was doing so when he
was made the scapegoat for others.

What I am furious about is that the media is making
it sound like all of Walter Reed is like building
18. Nothing could be further from the truth. No
system is perfect but the medical staff provides
great care in this hospital. What needs to be
addressed, and finally will, is the bureaucratic
garbage that all soldiers are put through going into
medical boards and medical retirements. Congress is
finally giving the money that people have asked for
at Walter Reed for years to fix places on the
installations and address shortcomings. What they
don’t want you to know is Congress caused many
problems by the BRAC process saying they were
closing Walter Reed.

We cannot keep nor attract all the quality people we
need at Walter Reed when they know this place will
close in several years and they are not promised a
job at the new hospital. Then they did this thing
call A76 where they fired many of the workers here
for a company of contractors, IAP, to get a contract
to provide care outside the hospital proper. The
company, which is responsible for maintenance, only
hired half the number of people as there were
originally assigned to maintenance areas to save
money. Walter Reed leadership fought the A76 and
BRAC process for years, but lost. Congress
instituted the BRAC and A76 process; not the
leadership of Walter Reed.

What I wish everyone would also hear is that for
every horror story we are now hearing about in the
media that truly needs to be addressed, you are not
hearing about the hundreds of other wounded and
injured soldiers who tell a story of great care they
received. You are not hearing about the incredibly
high morale of our troops and the fact that most of
them want to go back, be with their teammates, and
finish the job properly. You should be very proud of
the wounded troopers we have at Walter Reed. They
make me so proud to be in the Army and I will fight
to get their story out.

I want you to hear the whole story because our
wounded, their families, our Army, and the nation
need to know that many in the media and select
politicians have an agenda. Forget agendas and make
the changes that have been needed for years to fix
problems in every ! military hospital and the VA
system. The poor leaders will be identified and sent
packing and good riddance to them. I wish the same
could be said for the politicians and media
personalities who are also responsible but now want
it to look like they are very concerned. Where have
they been for the last four years? I am ashamed of
what they all did and the pain it has caused many to
think that everyone is like that.

Please know that you are not hearing the whole
story. Please know that there are thousands of
dedicated soldiers and civilian medical staff caring
for your soldiers and their families. When I leave
here I will end up deploying. When soldiers in my
division have to go to Walter Reed from the
battlefield, I know they will get great medical
care. I pray that you know the same thing.

God bless all our troops and their families wherever
they may be.
God bless you all,

Chaplain John L. Kallerson
Senior Chaplain Clinician
Walter Reed Army Medical Center

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a few of my favorite things…

From time to time, I catch on to a few great items. When I find something I like, I always promote it…wether it be my new favorite restaurant or store or item of choice.

I think it’s always beneficial to pass things like this on, so others can benefit from my experiences. So I thought I would pass on a few of my favorite things to you all.

First, I’m an Arbonne girl. I love the way it makes my skin feel and look, which is due to their great RE9 system.re9

My mom had an extreme allergic reaction to Mary Kay in the early years after they started up their company. Afterwards, Merle Norman was her brand of choice for close to 60 years…well until 3 years ago. Once she tried Arbonne’s RE9 skin care, she was a goner! Her wrinkles decreased, her pores became smaller, and her skin felt softer than it had in years. This is due to their nano-technology. It delivers exactly what your skin needs. So no matter if you have dry skin, or oily, or both….it recognizes it and provides what your skin needs to nourish it completely. It’s an amazing product.

I myself am in love with their mineral powder. mineral powder I have always had issues with foundation or base, what ever you choose to call it. It never covered the way it should and I always had to blend it in along my jaw line. Arbonne’s mineral powder is a perfect cover to make my skin glow and look natural, yet it covers where it needs with out being heavy. I LOVE THIS! It is my absolute favorite thing!!!

My next favorite item is Jessie’s Girl Makeup ‘eye lights’. They are supposed to be used as eyeshadow. They’re wands stuck in a glitter gel that gives a dramatic look. They promote the they’re not your mother’s make-up. I’m old enough that I don’t feel the need to be that dramatic with my eyes, but have always had a talent for the art of make-up. I can draw someone’s eye’s out by adding a little color or flair. So this product, although supposed to be used as eyeshadow, is something I use as a liner below my eyes. eyelights There are an array of bold colors to choose from, however I use the lightest color they have and barely swab the applicator under my eyelashes. I apply it at my lash line, on the bottom of my eye, at the iris out toward the edge of my eye. It gives my eyes a little bit of POP, and silly enough…it makes me feel a little sexy throughout the day. It gives me energy, and it is a great way to accent my eyes without drawing too much attention.

My last contribution is from Nature’s Waybrandnatures way
Due to the crazy weather this year, my family has had more than our share of cold bugs. This little magic elixir has helped us recover very quickly. In fact, I was feeling horrible yesterday. My head was pounding, due to sinus pressure, and I had a soar throat. I took two teaspoons of this wonderful little juice, and within hours I was feeling better. The next day my congestion was gone, and my throat didn’t hurt. This concentrated berry juice has done wonders for us.

These are things that have improved my quality of life, so I wanted to pass them along to you. I know I’ve left the guys out, so I will list my husband’s favorite things at a later time….oh wait….that list might be too long.

Hmmm lets see….Pittsburg Steelers, any new electronic gadget, VW Cars, Apple computers, or OU Football. Yeah, that about covers it! LOL!