

So some of you may have wondered if I fell off the planet lately. I haven’t. I promise.

I’ve just been caught up and have neglected my blog. Well and the fact that I’m slightly addicted to facebook doesn’t help! 🙂

Today I feel pretty overwhelmed. Although I still count my blessings every day…the daily grind is just getting to me.

Today’s sermon was a powerful one. It was one that I had no choice but to stop and let go of myself for. It was like the Holy Spirit was just saturating the room, and most were weeping at the mood in there.

Marty, my pastor, made it a point to ask us to let go of what we wanted for our lives and to ask God for direction in what HE desires for our lives. He said giving God the control is the most freeing thing we’d experience. And for those that ‘needed’ the control of their own lives…well they could have it. But God gives us a choice. We can work our own future and control our own destiny…our we can fully give our lives over to Him in faith that He has our future.

I don’t know about you, but I need that reminder once in a while. He asked that we lay our burdens down, lay down whatever was holding us back from a real relationship with Christ.

To me, there are those that talk to God. There are those that believe in Him. There are those that even do both.

BUT I truly believe that one can’t experience God’s full capacity for our lives until we let go of our own will and submit to His for our lives.

SO if I’ve been MIA for a while. I apologize. I’m just in transition mode, trying to truly figure out what God’s will is for my life. How am I to make an impact in my world? Is it by being a friend, a listening ear to someone in my real and daily life? Is it by blogging or writing books to reaching out for Christ and hopefully planting a seed? Is it by being a ‘there for my son’ in realtime mommy?

It’s hard to fit all that in – in one day. (plus facebook) LOL.

Know that God is working in my life right now and I feel completely helpless and a little overwhelmed, but I know God will guide and instruct me. And having that faith is what gets me from day to day….that and counting the many blessings he places in my path.


Pics that made my week

This week has been a very eventful one in our home, and I have a couple pics to share.

This first one is from my friend, John, who was traveling for business. I’ve asked all my friends and readers to send me pics of them with my book. John took it one step further and had Rupert pose with ‘Finding Kylie’. Thanks John for your creative genius! You made my week!
I think Rupert looks funny holding this!

The second pic: (drum roll)
Introducing ROXY! She’s our new doggie, who has captured all our hearts. Although I miss my Hershey, and no pet could ever take his place, it’s time for a four legged member of our family to have a place here.

This week has started off with a bang! Happy Spring Break to you all!

faith, faithful fridays, Finding Kylie, Kimberly McKay, photography, publishing

Another week

This weeks blessings have been obvious!  Although I’m short on time, I’m full of really good things starting to happen.

 I started a part time job this past Monday, to help us along a little further.  In times like these, you have to do everything you can just to get by.  Although, it’s made me realize how tired I am – it’s nice to get all dressed up and have some place to go.  The one thing I’m not happy about: those extra responsibilities are sucking my creative juices –  BUT the extra income we desperately need will I’m sure make up the difference.  And the manager has slammed me back to back in the schedule b/c she had some last minute hours to use.  So hopefully I’ll only work 3 days a week, instead of 6.

I found out we got locked in at a very low rate, for refinancing our home.  We close at the end of the month.  I’m blessed that I have people all around me to guide me and instruct me with wise words and ideas.  We’re trying to do ‘everything’ possible to cut back and trim the fat.  We could easily refinance for 30 years and lower our payment by over $250.00 — but what makes more sense to me is to refinance for 15 years.  We may have the same house payment or even a slightly higher one, but we’d pay it off a lot faster and our equity would be sitting pretty.

My son and I are finally almost free of the sinus crud.  It seems everyone is sick, so we’re glad to finally have a healthy household.  I’m so glad my husband never got any of it.  It’s hard to take care of one child, when you’re sick – but harder when you’re ‘man (turns into child when sick)’ gets sick all at the same time.  

My son’s 6th birthday was this week.  He’s growing into such an amazing young man.  He told me today – word for word: “Mommy, you’re the most beautiful woman in the world!”  Now was 6 year old says that?  They may say…’I’ve got the prettiest mommy’ – but my child blows me away with his depth and compassionate heart.  God has blessed me with a wonderful child, and I know it more and more every day.

I talked with someone this week, that I’m working deal with – that is giving me amazing instruction and inspiration.  God is opening big doors for me and I’m so thankful!

Lastly, I asked some people to send me some fun creative pics for Finding Kylie at my  wornoutwoman blog, and got some really fun pics.  I want to ask you all, who read this blog, for pictures too!  If you’ve read the book, please send me a picture of YOU with the book.  Get creative!  I plan on making a poster collage, to get inspiration while I finish the sequel, ‘Facing Redemption’.  To give you an idea…here’s one Terri sent me.

So get after it people.  And email me your pics at:


faith, faithful fridays, Uncategorized

Friday Blessings

Spring is almost here.  You can feel the warmth creeping in and see the flowers start to barely bloom, as they test wether they can spread their petals wide reaching to bask in the sun.  I don’t know about  you but this winter, although a very busy one, has been a very cold one.  

For some cold dark weather equates to a cold dark spirituality or mental space they feel trapped in.  Sometimes just that little bit of sunshine goodness is all they need to feel hope again.

I know many people like this, who suffer in silence through the winter … not able to see all of God’s goodness even through the cold dark winters in life.  This is why it’s so severely important to count your blessings every single day!  

In times of darkeness, through winter’s cold, during rain or shine, God’s goodness and love for us is always there!  Sometimes we just have our emotional blinders on or too many layers piled on to see or feel His goodness.

Today when I know it’s probably too early for all the redbud trees in my neighborhood to bloom, I’m glad for it’s welcome sight of rebirth.  That tiny boldness of pink represents hope for spring not only for our state but our state of mind.  

So today, like all days, I count my blessings so that even through life’s winters, I have the peace of Jesus’ goodness and love in my heart.  

*My son is turning 6 this month, and every day I know how blessed I am to be his mommy.  This month especially I’m blessed that he’s growing into a fine young man.  They say ‘you are who you are by the time your six’.  Well if he’s at his core personality now, than this world will be blessed by what he’s going to do in God’s name real soon.  My son’s future is bright, and I’m blessed to have had anything to do with it.

*We’ve been sick but are finally on the mend.  I’m blessed just be able to breathe today…and what a day it is.  It’s only 8:45 a.m. and it’s already a warm 53 degrees.  Thank you Lord for blessing this day.

*I’ve been in touch with so many wonderful long lost’s on facebook.  Being a military brat, I moved every two to four years of my life, so I had many sad goodbyes.  The upside I had many wonderful hello’s … but the goodbye’s were mostly final, and held long lost friendships.  Through wonderful technology, like facebook, I’m able to reconnect with so many dear friends, that I’ve always wondered what happened to.  It’s a huge blessing to be friends again and have the simple blessing of being able to pick up a phone to talk to my best friends.

Although we all have winter in life, as seasons keep turning…environmentally and spiritually…we have to keep looking for the blessings.  Because trust me – there are plenty to be found.  

God loves us more than we can possibly imagine, and seeing the blessings and thanking Him for them, sometimes, is the only way to get through it all.  You’d be surprised just how much it helps.

america, appreciation, blessings, blogging, children, corporate, corporate America, D.C., economics, encouragement, faith, family, fatherhood, fathers, favorites, financial, gratitude, laughter, leadership, life, love, love notes, management, manners, motivation, nostalgia, politics, positive reinforcement, prayer, pride, random, relationships, smiles, society, son, supervisors, surviving, Washington, Washington D.C.

My little sponge

I swear I never know what will come out of my son’s mouth these days.  It continues to amaze me just HOW much he soaks up and retains.  

For example, when the election took place, I was amazed at his emphatic passion for what was going on around him.  I try to never talk politics, as many out there do enough of it already for the majority of us.  I may put a little blurb on a blog here or there, but I’m not one of those people, who are loud with their policies/political beliefs.  

I especially did not tell my son who I felt would make a better President in this last election, as how could anyone know that or see the future?  I did tell him who I was voting for, because  he asked me, but would never run down the other candidate, as that’s not how I’m made.  PLUS why impose that on a five year old.  What I did give him was knowledge on the electoral process, and what the voting process looked like.  This was back in August of 2008 when he was asking about the whole concept of voting and how/why it worked.  If he’s old enough to ask, he’s old enough for the truth.

As the election came closer, he heard from his classmates their input on each candidate.  They even had a mock election, giving them choices to vote for Red or Blue.  Red, which stood for McCain, won that day in school.  He was excited that he chose the color that won.  I congratulated him on voting and left it at that, because it’s about his power to choose!  I was proud of him.

When Obama won the office of President, my son was sad.  The parents ideals and their philosophies had filtered down to their children and gave my son the impression that Obama equalled bad.  And he knew his parents had voted for McCain too.  I had to express to him that we respected the office of the President, no matter WHO held the office.  I had to share with him, that even though mommy didn’t vote for Obama, I was excited for the new era whether it was my choice candidate or not.  I told him that the exciting part about it is was the power of the American people, and their votes.

I wanted to give him hope that President Obama would make good choices on our behalf.  That’s my job as a parent to instill hope in my child … to lighten the big stuff … to keep him from being overwhelmed with things that he can not control.

His response?  (Keep in mind, he tells people he’s 4 and 3 quarters old when they ask his age – he’s a very specific kid)

“Mom, it doesn’t matter…because when I’m 9 and 3 quarters, we’ll vote again and have another President.”

I couldn’t believe that my ‘every four years we have an election‘ talk, FROM AUGUST was still retained in that little sponge of a brain in November.  

With my son, I tried to stay in the middle on this whole topic, because I don’t want to encourage discrimination for either party – Rep or Dem – because my husband and I aren’t straight party Repubs.  We look at each candidate as a potential selection based on their own policies and performance in office. BUT I let his comment stand on it’s own, because it was his opinion and I respected that.  I respect him for trying to formulate his own ideas and sticking to his guns.  For 5 almost 6 (5.75), he thinks so many big things through!! 

Today when my husband called to check on him, as we’re both home sick.  He ended his conversation with my DH….”Okay dad, work smart!”

I could tell my husband wasn’t sure of what he said, b/c he had to repeat himself….”you know…work smart while you’re there to make your money”  He’s a funny little kid with a big man’s mind.

I can’t believe in 9 short days, I’m going to have a 6 year old on my hands.  A wonderfully created, ingenius and funny, creative and highly social child, who loves with all his heart.  I only worry that he loves too much, BUT there’s no such thing as loving too much.

Have a great day all and thank God for all your blessings….especially your children!

