faith, family, family bonds, life, love, relationships, thoughts

Discipline – yuck!

I hate being the bad guy.  I don’t spank if I can help it.  My child is a dream for the most part and I normally never have to go either place.

Lately though we’ve been having issues with my son.  Nothing major but little issues just the same.  It’s got to be hard to be in his brain.  He’s 5 years old and is like a little man.  He can do multiplication, addition, and had logical reasoning better than some adults. He’s extremely mature, but I have to keep in mind that emotionally he’s still FIVE.

Lately he’s not been listening, and he’s adding in back talking.  I know this is part of his age.  Learning to test his boundaries and grow his wings, but still needing a parent.  I know I have to stick to the rules and not back down or he’ll run over us.  BUT I hate this discipline part.

I hate having to put him in a time out and hear him telling me ‘I’m mean’ and ‘he’s going to find different parents’.

Ten minutes later everything is fine and he’s back to his normal loving self…but dealing with hearing those things hurts.  I don’t let it show that it hurts though b/c I have to stay calm and level.  I don’t feel like I did a very good job of parenting today.

family, life, relationships, thoughts

Caught me

Okay you caught me.  I skipped church today.  My son’s stomach was off this morning and that was enough for me to resign to a morning at home.  My stomach is off too for that matter.

Last night we had a late night with 3 out of 5 parties we were in invited to, attended and closed down.  I’ll have to post some pics from a couple of them, because some of the costumes were amazing.  This one couple’s home was over 4,000 square foot, and they built a haunted house indoors. It was so scary too.  I had a hold of my husband, hoping no one would jump out and get me.  It was a huge maze of crazy lights, costumes, sounds, and jumping tormentors.  My husband asked me to go first…’I don’t think so!’  So he went in with his fist up saying, “I’ve got my hand up ready to smack someone down!”  I’m sure this helped him look tough after half-way through he ran off, screaming like a little girl, and left me.

So here I am at home, with my little one.  He needed to sleep in and so did I.  I think my son’s hermit crab died last night.  He’s out of his shell, not moving.  My son, little T, keeps telling me that ‘Larry’ is sleeping.  I’ve told him I think Larry passed away last night, but he’s not believing me.  I’ll handle this more, when his dad gets home.

So what’s the craziest costume you’ve ever worn?  What do you plan to wear this year?

blessings, Christianity, faith, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, favorites, financial, Fireproof the movie, friendship, gratitude, health, husband, life, literary, love, marriage, photography, pictures, prayer, publishing, relationships, Religion, safety, sisterhood, smiles, thoughts

Friday Fun

Every Friday I get to look at what God has blessed me with during the week.
Today I get to jump for joy! Here’s a list of what God has given me this week:

***Blessings Abound****
My husband surprised me with a date night, and arranged for a sitter. He took me to see ‘Fireproof the Movie’, which was awesome!!!

Sitting in a theater with a bunch of Christians was a really cool experience. No one had to search for a seat. People were offering to arrange the seating on rows, so we could all squeeze in to offer new seats, for those standing. It was cool seeing God’s love in the simplest ways in just offering a seat theater wide.

The movie itself was an amazing lesson, that every married couple needs. If you’ve not seen this movie — GO SEE IT! Kirk Cameron is just amazing and so cute. I thought he was adorable back in his teenaged TV days, but he’s so mature now and even more cute. I admire him for standing up for his faith, in mainstream Hollywood, to stand firm. He deserves our support. Seriously, you should go see this movie. They also have a blog.
Here’s the trailer:

I had a friend text me late last night to announce her copy of my book came in the mail that day. She was so excited and couldn’t wait to tell me how beautiful her copy was. I haven’t even had my copies mailed to me yet, but was and am so blessed to hear how excited she was once we talked on the phone. I’m blessed to have such wonderful friends, who celebrate in my joy and support me. God is good!

I made some really great tips this week at work, and I finally feel like I don’t have to double check every thing I do. I seem to have a groove and a rhythm to my job now, and am so blessed to leave at 3 p.m. to pick up my son. Even though we’re financially short, I’m able to invest in my son.

I got two photo-shoots booked this week. One for the 27th of October and the other for Nov 15th. Just a little business coming in right now. I’m not where I thought I’d be right now, but some is better than none and I’m blessed all the same. Thank you Lord for being faithful.

I’ve prayed for God to bring us a couple friendship. My husband and I have our own separate friends, but have never in the 8 years of marriage had a ‘couple’ friend outside of family. My sis and her husband are our couple friends and I adore them. My brother in law and his wonderful wife are also our couple friend, and we adore them but they live 40 minutes away.

Each member of our family are so wonderful and we love spending time with them, but they also have their own lives. So lately I’ve prayed lately that God would also bless us with a friendship, separate from family, that Todd and I would click with.
God has answered my prayers with a wonderful couple that we go to church with.

Strangely enough … I went to college with my friend, J. We don’t remember each other from back then. And, her boyfriend, C, and my husband grew up in the same area in California, and have some similar childhood memories. All four of us have crossed paths throughout many years, and have just now started a friendship. Funny how God’s timing works … but it’s a blessing to us. J & C are quirky and fun and make us laugh…our kind of people.

The last blessing is an obvious … just the fact that my family is alive, healthy, and close to home. I’m blessed each day to live the life I have and be surrounded by my family and friends.

allergies, appreciation, blessings, breakfast, danger, death, family, family bonds, favorites, food, gratitude, health, husband, marriage, medical, miracles, motivation, relationships, safety, self improvement, smiles, surviving, thoughts

Monday’s Joy

Today has been so good. I found a jack pot at my local grocer’s of wheat free items, that I can cook my husband.

People take eating for granted. They don’t understand what a luxury it is just to have a slice of pizza and some beverages to accompany that!

My poor husband has been allergic – deathly allergic – to wheat for 8 years. He’ll swell up and die when ingesting just a little wheat. Do you all realize how many items have wheat in them?

Tomato soup and many other canned soups
vitamins and prescription pills (it’s used a filler/packer)
of course the obvious – pastas and breads

I could go on and on, but won’t bore you with it. Just know that almost every item at the grocery store will list ‘wheat flour’. IHOP even uses wheat flour to enhance the flavor of their omeletes. It’s a sad day when you can’t order an omelete at IHOP, without fearing for ones life.

Well tonight I made my hubby SPAGHETTI! For the first time in 8 years, we’ve had spaghetti as a family. GLUTANO is my new favorite friend! They have spaghetti noodles made with maize flour and starch.

How nice was it to feel like a real wife, and cook for my family? — vs. cooking for my son and I and hoping to find something my husband can eat.

Yeah Glutano…thank you!

budget, Christianity, commitments, conflict, counseling, curb appeal, disasterous, dreams, economics, encouragement, faith, falling, family, family bonds, favorites, financial, food, giving, goals, God, government, help, home, home improvement, life, love, motivation, Oklahoma, prayer, pride, relationships, safety, sales, sleep, sleeplessness, smoking, society, surviving, thoughts

A Foreclosure Hitting Close to Home

Today I have a heavy heart. My neighbors have had one bad thing happen to them and then another. They’ve fought through their finances to be able to afford their home for over a year. My neighbor’s wife now has to wear an oxygen tank, and she’s only in her 50’s. Even though they’ve been heavy smokers, who are aware of what cigarettes do to your body, I hate to see them deal with those repercussions.

Today my neighbor walked over to my car, as I pulled up in my driveway. I could tell he his spirit was not one of joy, like the usual guy I visit with when being neighborly.

He broke the news to me and told me of their situation. I know financial companies in today’s market are scrambling and will not give anyone a break. I know bail out or not, my neighbors will not get the help they need.

They’re going to be homeless in days, and I feel like crying. They’re so good to us and I just want them to have a roof over their head. Keeping up with the Jones’s has never been important to my husband and I, but something like this certainly puts that all into perspective.

Each night I pray a prayer of thanks for simply having a roof over our head, and food on our table. I never knew something like this would happen to someone I knew, and it’s heartbreaking.

I’m doing what I can to help them find a place to live, and in the meantime offering a couch and a guest room if they need it. Please pray for my wonderful neighbors that God provides them a way out and a place to live.

blessings, blogging, Christianity, faith, faithful fridays, friendship, God, life, love, sleeplessness, Uncategorized

Friday’s post and poll

So this week has gone fast. I’ve only worked a couple of days which has been so nice, but it’s still flown by just the same.

Obvious blessings:

*Some time to sleep in, with three days off.

*I ordered 100 of my books, from my publisher, for future events.

*Being a little repepative from the last post, but you can pre-order my book.  It’s now officially on Amazon and listed on my publisher’s bookstore.

*I got another photo-shoot booked for this month, yesterday.  Let’s just keep those coming!

*I’m growing closer to a really good friend, and am blessed to have her friendship.

I didn’t get too wordy this time, as I’m really tired.  I’m not in the best mood yet, as I’ve not been awake but a few minutes.  Yes, I’m NOT a morning person.  The blessing in that?  I’m heading to my refridge to get my Starbucks Frapp.  I’ve been saving this ‘one’ bottle, for a week and a half for ‘the’ morning that I’d really need it.  I’m blessed this morning to have it and be able to sit and savor for a few minutes, before my son wakes up.

I hope you’ve had some obvious and ‘not’ so obvious blessings in your week.  Be sure the thank God for all the gifts in your life…even if some weeks you don’t feel so thankful.  There are blessings all around you, even if some days you just don’t see them.

allergies, disasterous, health, lack of sleep, life, literary, medical, motivation, random, self improvement, sleep, sleeplessness, thoughts

What do you think?

You’ve made your bed … now lie in it!

What does this mean to you? Figuratively or Literally?

I know when I used to make my bed every morning, I started having a problem with dust mites. They say not to make your bed after first waking up so that it can air out. This way the dust mites won’t have a chance to breed and survive from the warm conditions of a warmly fresh made bed. I used to break out in hives, from dust mites.

After getting a new mattress, I chose not to make my bed after getting up. I’ve not had any issues with dust mites. If you dont’ believe me…read here!

So this saying … you’ve made your bed now lie in it … has two meanings for me.

Figuratively — quit your b****in or griping because you’ve set your course. Deal with it!

or Literally — You’ve made your bed … now have fun with the situation that’s caused too. Dust mites! Yikes!

When you hear this phrase … what does it make you think???