entertainment, faith, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, Uncategorized

Friday’s Favorite Blessings


This was my view on my drive to FOX’s studio yesterday. I felt so blessed to see such an amazing view, especially after 4 days of ice and snow. To see the sun again was amazing, and for it to be so beautiful was that and more.

Yesterday’s live interview went very well. I’m waiting for them to send me the broadcast so I can upload it and post it. Apparently it takes 2 weeks. That was a shocker in today’s digital age, but at least I’ll be getting a copy.

This week has been good. I’m finally on an anti-biotic that I think I can take with out a HUGE allergic reaction! Hallelujah! Shout and singing here… After a chronic bladder infection for over two months, with no help in sight, I visited an amazing urologist, who was very capable and pro-active. He prescribed a new antibiotic that I’ve never even heard of, that is in it’s own class … so far it’s working with little to no side effects and no allergic reactions. HUGE people…this is huge for me!

I found out, of course, from my last post you’d already know this … but I found out my humble book is ready for a screen play. After being contacted, by someone who shall remain nameless, I’m starting that as my next project while still getting my sequel done. This is amazing that someone in that industry read, loved, and wants it. It is a blessing 10 fold.

Last night I had a book signing at an Indie book store. With the ice storms that have hit us in Oklahoma pretty hard, I wasn’t sure of the turn out. My evites and verbal conformations had my attendance at possibly up to 35 people. After already having a launch party with 100 people streaming through, I knew 35 would be a great turn out. After all…who could still be left to come?? Overall, it was a pretty decent turn out considering the last four days people were home bound. The book store was happy, and most of my friends and family came to support me.

One of my newer friends, a classroom mommy friend as I call the ones I meet through school, had a funny story for me. She said her husband, who is a cardiologist, entered his exam room to see his patient, who was reading ‘Finding Kylie’. He thought it was cool to be able to point to her book and say, ‘She’s a friend of ours.’ That cracked me up. I love it that my friends are so excited for me. I try not to get too excited as I know it will sound as if I were getting a big ego, which I’m not. I know God has blessed me with every bit of this gift, and I’m completely thankful. BUT when my friends get excited, it revs me up and I know I’m one fortunate girl to have them in my life.


I’m fighting off the flu at the moment, but am blessed to have some time to me today to rest. And that may just be the biggest blessing at the moment. Time for peace and healing. I have a meeting today at 3 pm CST that is an important one, so if you all could be praying for me…I’d appreciate it.

Love to you all!!!

Finding Kylie, Kimberly McKay, media, movies, pictures, prayer, relationships, Religion, smiles, society, spirituality, talent, thoughts, women, writing

Surprising News

A friend has contacted me who is interested in turning my humble little book into a movie. Yvette and Papa…your comments from the last post were very inspiring and also prophetic.

Thank you all who continue to check in here and support me. I am so blessed by each and every one of you.

When writing this book, I had the movie in my heart the entire time … so I’m now writing the screenplay. Please keep this process in your prayers. If I reach one person in the name of Christ through this book or someday (hopefully) the film, than I know I’m doing what God wants me to do.

I can give an interview…or a small heartfelt speech. I can tell you one on one my testimony…but to speak to a large crowd to influence them in His name just isn’t my speed. BUT a book … the power of a written word…now that’s always been my passion. To allow people to feel something through my writing…to influence them in a positive way…to make them think outside their box – this is something I know God has blessed me with. I want to use it for HIS glory.

I would be so humbled if this now almost screenplay makes it to the big screen, to influence more in His name.

How cool is that??

faith, faithful fridays

Friday Blessings late-ish again

Man I’m not very good about being prompt lately. This week has been wonderful.

God has just given me what I need emotionally and spiritually to dump my slump. It’s nice to be able to rely on Him for all my needs…especially the intangible ones.

How can I not be in a good mood today though when I get messages from readers like this:

“Jesse just found out about Chastity and confronted John. The word “enjoy” is understated – I am planning to buy my niece a copy… this is definitely a book that all young girls should read and everyone else can relate too. Well, I going to get back to Finding Kylie.”

I love that the readers of Finding Kylie are being effected by this story in so many different ways. It’s like each person walks away from it with something different, so far all wonderful stuff, and has fallen in love with the characters. I love that they’re receiving it as I had hoped.

A few film maker friends of mine, one in London, is even chatting up the idea of making it into a film at some point. I won’t hold my breath on that one though…I will wait to see how well the book does first.

It’s rankings have been very well, as well as the reviews. Feel free to go to Amazon to read a few of them.

This week has received a few other small but wonderful blessings. I got a surprise check in the mail this week from a former employer, with money they owed me. It was a great gift from heaven to have that to pay bills with.

My writing has been on fire this week. When writing a book, especially a sequel, sometimes you have your idea in mind…but don’t really know how to give it framework to make it happen. This week God blessed me with so many storyline tid bits to make it all happen. I’m so so so ssoooooo excited to get this all done!

I have a book signing Thursday, at a local indie bookstore. The state paper this week committed to plugging it in their book section, and they said they’d also read my book to review it. I don’t think the review will happen this weekend in time for the signing…but it will happen soon and keep the PR going. That’s a big big blessing.

Next week I’ve got that meeting, that I mentioned in the previous post and will give you an update on next Friday’s Blessings (even if I post it on Saturday). 🙂

God is good in times of good and bad. We just have to keep loving and thanking Him, no matter what.


So far the response from ‘Finding Kylie’ has been overwhelmingly wonderful, so thank you to those of you, who have read it! And for those that like to read, and haven’t…I won’t be mad if you go buy one too! 🙂

amen, appreciation, blessings, blogging, business, Christmas, commitments, conflict, dreams, economics, encouragement, faith, family, fashion, favorites, financial, goals, God, help, leadership, life, miracles, peace, prayer, random, relationships, Religion, sales, self improvement, society, spirituality, surviving, thoughts, Uncategorized, wife, women, work

Off the grid

Okay so maybe some of you I’ve not posted much lately, as I’ve just not felt like it.

Yes, I’ve been in a slump … spiritually, emotionally, physically, and in every sense of the word.

But through prayer and some reality checks, I’ve come to some really great conclusions.

God has a lot in store for me…some exciting things actually. I just had to wait a little…okay a lot…longer than I’d care to in order to hopefully figure it all out.

I have some important meetings coming up that may provide exactly what I need in so many ways. The desired results from next week’s meeting could be the answer to so many issues in our lives at the moment.

So please put us in your prayers, as a family, and for me as an individual.

I thank you in advance and appreciate you all for allowing me some time away from blogging in the last couple of months.

I look forward to catching up with all of you and informing you of some great news soon!!!!

Love to you all —- Kim

faith, faithful fridays

Friday Blessings

Today even my son commented on how fast this week flew.

I didn’t work this week which will not help our finances, but I’m sorting out a minor medical issue so I needed the time off. At the end of the month I’ve got an appointment to see someone that will help me sort it all out. Nothing major, so no need for alarm … but I’m a little tired.

ON a different note so many wonderful things have happened this week.

I’m well rested and have had such quality time with my husband.

We had our first basketball game this last weekend, and my son officially is obsessed with the game. Everything is either Mario Brothers or Basketball. He’s such a boy!

I got some more great reviews on Amazon, from readers who love my book. It’s amazing to go to Amazon and hear what random people think. The rankings slipped to the lowest they’ve been yesterday to 612,000…but still out of 3 millions books…that’s not bad. It’s been as high as 70,000 in rankings. For a new book…new author…with no marketing backing her….I’d say that’s doing alright!

I had two lunches this week…with two friends. I haven’t been to lunch with anyone in a loooong time. I’ve worked while other people had lunch, but haven’t had my own in a while. It was great to catch up with some gal pals of mine that I’d not in quite some time. Having my friends around is something I’ve missed.

I’m still sad without my dog here with me. Putting him to sleep last September was the hardest decision, that I still tear up over. BUT I know he loves me and am able to think about him now without crying. Shedding a few tears is progress. And I’m blessed to have had him so long.

My son has the best teacher on earth. And I’m reminded of it every day when I drop him off or pick him up. It’s huge to feel at peace when he walks in those school doors. What a blessing to know he’s somewhere safe, and with people that care about him and want the best for him. So many teachers are apathetic, and we’re blessed to have one with a big heart and smile.

I hope you’re able to count your blessings. I’m kinda down this week, so I had to really dig deep this week to find them…but they’re always there! God is so good, and reminds me daily how much he loves me.

appreciation, blessings, child birth, children, dreams, faith, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, gratitude, health, help, laughter, life, love, missing, motherhood, motivation, positive reinforcement, prayer, random, relationships, Religion, secrets, smiles, society, son, spirituality, surviving, talent, women, work

Where does time go??

Seriously I know time flies, but how does it go at the speed of light? The older you get the faster it goes, they say. Who’s ‘they’ by the way?? Well whoever ‘they’ are…they’re right.

In July I quit my job to focus on the family, and my new career path…a path that has me working on my own dreams, which did not include working for anyone else. They also do not include getting rich, as when you start your own business … it will take a looooong time to build up.

What’s not taking a long time to build up – is the investment in my child. IF I’d been at my J-O-B, I wouldn’t have had the patience for “you know what? Chicken butt!” … I wouldn’t have time or energy to stop to really listen to him…when he starts giggling, in that way he does with a deep gurgling bubbly sweet giggle, if I haven’t really been here to hear it.

I think you all know what I mean when…being here…means being here not just physically, but mentally, emotionally, and spiritually. All these things count when raising a child, and what a fine child I’m discovering. And the stress of Corporate America is not stealing that away from me any longer. How blessed am I to give my son my full attention?

I forgot to post my ‘Faithful Fridays’ this last Friday, but that’s okay b/c I was investing time with my little boy. I’ve been sick and he’s been taking care of me, just like when he’s sick and I take care of him. He’s been patiently sitting on the couch with me talking with me, or watching a movie. He’s been attentive and kind.

Yes, time may be flying very very fast right now…but I’m not missing a thing! And I am thanking God for every second of it!

babies, Bible, blessings, blogging, children, Christianity, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, humor, life, love, marriage, motherhood, motivation, positive reinforcement, prayer, random, relationships, smiles, son, sons, talent, thoughts

Sweet sweet Fridays…

This was a sweet week as I got to spend it all with my son. I’ve been so blessed to have such a special and unique child, who just brightens everyone’s day. He truly cares how I feel and wants to make sure I’m taken care of. He is a nurturer…a comedian…a math genius…a musician…and a strong Christian – all at five years old.

We were talking this morning after he called me into his room, after he woke up. We have our little word games we play. He likes to tease me.
“Mommy ask me any question.”
I’ll start asking random things, and no matter what I ask – the answer is ‘One Million’, said with certainty. We both crack up laughing and the game goes on.

This morning our chatter consisted of:
“Mommy, you have a husband.”
“You have a daughter in law.”
“What? Since when did you get married?” (giggles ensue)
“Oh don’t worry mommy – she’s a good Christian girl.”
“What’s her name, and when do I meet her.”
“Twinkle Twinkle Little Star!”
“What? You’re being silly.”
“OF course! (he likes that word) I’m not married, I’m just a kid”
“You won’t get married until I’m a lot older?”
“When you’re in heaven?”
“Nooo, I will be here a lot longer. I won’t go to heaven until I’m really old.”
“Yah mom, you’re not gonna reach your deadline for while.”

My little sweet boy is all the blessing I need to be thankful to God for all He’s done for me. He’s growing up so fast and so strong. He wants to change the world and someday I know he will. God has big plans for that little guy.


A New Year

This past year has been a wonderful one & I’ve learned so much about life, love, and what direction or path to stay on.

God has blessed me in many ways:
A healthy and happy family
Knowledge on how to live on a budget
A book for all to read out there
A growing photography business (slowly but surely)
Many friends in & out of blogland that support me
A roof over our head with food on the table, no matter what
Warm clothes in the winter, and cool ones in the summer
A church home that I can plug into

These are the things that make my world go round and for that I’m thankful to my God and His son, Jesus, who’ve given me the above.

To give you an idea of the last wedding I did on the day after Christmas…I leave you with a glimpse of the wonderful day I was honored to be a part of. To be their photographer was an amazing experience…one I’ll never forget.
This list and picture are a glimpse of what simple things in life bring — happiness and love. This bride’s mom is ill and dying with cancer. They moved the wedding up to ensure she’d be there for their special day. And you can see it on her face that she and her new husband are ones who get that the simple things really matter in life.

It’s not about how much money we make.
It’s not about how fat or skinny we are.
It’s not about what designer label we have.
It’s not about what we drive.
It’s not about what stuff we possess.

It’s simply about the blessings in life…the love we share…the hearts we touch…and the fact that God has us in the center of His will from day one, through good times and bad.

I pray your new year holds together in your ups and downs, as you’ll have both. Just remember to hold tight to the simple things, be thankful to God, and appreciate each day we have together.