angels, appreciation, care taking, cars, Christianity, corporate, encouragement, faithful fridays

Friday finds me allll gooood!

Thought I’d pop in here to post for once. I’ve not been able to just sit for a while and have a single thought to myself let alone have the time to do anything about them.

In the last 3 months, my life has turned upside down … but in a good way. You all know I’ve had to work a part time job to help contribute to our family’s finances. Smart girl that I was decided to up and quit a full time career in July of last year – right before the big recession hits. So my family, that was used to doing a little of whatever they wanted, while still feeling like we had no money … didn’t know what was going to hit.

We had enough to get by then – we just didn’t know it!

No we’re on a skimmed budget and running a tight ship. We refinanced our home, which saved us $150 a month.

I still have my own photography company, which is picking up by the way, and I still further my writing pursuits – but I’m working part time as a manager at a women’s boutique. This is why I’ve not had time to sit as I’m gone all the time, between photography shoots or my part time job. I’m never home to just have a second to myself. I haven’t even watched TV in almost a month (except ‘The Bachelorette’, which I DVR and watch late at night).

The good news? We’re making it – barely but surely.
The bad news? I’m not running on my own schedule and I have nothing left over to write – which means my sequel is taking a loooot longer than I’d hoped.

BUT – counting my blessings is still a must.

For example – Yesterday my brand new tire blew out on the highway. Not even seconds before I heard it pop, I was praying for God’s protection on the roads. It was as if the Holy Spirit was guiding me or prompting me to pray that particular prayer. Within seconds, the wall of my new tire was blown off and I was trying to get off the side of the highway.

The blessings are obvious to me. I’m thankful my car didn’t flip or slam into traffic. Two police officers showed up before my husband did to protect my car from the traffic from the highway. Because of these brave men, my husband had the protection he needed to change my tire. Otherwise traffic wouldn’t have allowed him to get down and change it without risking his life.

2 service men showed up from my dealership too. I’m blessed that we know the owner and he’s a gracious man, who takes care of us.

PLUS – I was late to work to close my store. WHICH was a HUGE blessing, as my district manager was in town and my tire escapade caused me to miss her visit. Hmmm? I don’t see a downside to this one.

Just wanted to pop in real quick to let you know that life is good! Even if I have to pay for a new tire – I’m healthy and in one piece. Can’t ask for more than that and I’m thankful to God for answering prayer!

Have a great weekend you all!

Here’s an example from one of my latest shoots this month. Westmoreland Ministries asked me to work with them for their upcoming tour. KP is a great guy, who has a true heart for God. Pray for him as he targets college campuses with the reality of his testimony.
Westmoreland Ministries