
Win a Signed Copy of my New Book

Want to win a SIGNED COPY of SAVING GRACE when it releases this summer??

If So — Read Below


My goal by the end of July is to have 1,000 likes at my FaceBook author page, in preparation for the release of SAVING GRACE.

To do this – I need YOU to invite your friends to like my author page.  This is given the fact that you have your own FaceBook account.  (If not, set yours up today!)

Some may not know how to invite others to a page, so let me step you through it.

There are 2 simple steps:

1) Once you go to my author page, you’ll see a button, below my author profile pic, that says ‘invite your friends to this Page’. (see below?)

Click on the button that looks like the one below!

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.04.03 PM

2) Next, your friends list will pop up, where you can click the button INVITE next to their name. This will invite them to like the page.



Send your friends a message, letting them know about your desire to win this book.  Ask them to not just ‘like’ the page, but to shoot you a message once it’s done.

Then message me at: kimberlymckayauthor@gmail.com to alert me of their names.  Once I confirm they’ve liked the page – your name will go into a drawing for a copy of SIGNED copy of SAVING GRACE.  It will be entered for each time you have someone enter!!!

REMEMBER to let me know who you are when you email me, incase your email doesn’t match your name. I’ll need to know who to enter in the drawing.

This will be open till the last day of July.

*** Please note – For exposure reasons, it is just as important to ‘follow’ my page as well as like it.  This means once you like it – you need to ask for notifications. ***  (This is not required for the contest, but it means FaceBook will give me more exposure, which is the goal for any author.)

This can be done at the like button, like so:

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.56.52 PM

Thanks everyone!  I truly appreciate your support.  It means the world to me.

Continue reading “Win a Signed Copy of my New Book”


june giveaway.

This is a friend of mine … check out her amazing book.

Trials Bring Joy

You know what I love? Reading something that makes you feel a little less crazy, a whole lot understood and helps you through the messy journey of infertility. A few months ago I shared a book during a Q & A series that did all of that for me while also encouraging my faith and validating the fact that you can be a Christian and still wonder “why”. The book is calledEvery Drunken Cheerleader … Why Not Me: Wit, Wisdom & Warmth from Your Fertility Challenged Friendby Kristine Ireland Waits. First of all, can we just giggle at the title? I think it just goes to show you the humor she has, which is laced throughout the pages. Anyways, I am sharing this with you because Kristine has graciously offered a signed copy of her book to the readers of this blog in a giveaway that I am…

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