
College Visits

Where does the time go? My kid has always been this little man with a big personality and zest for life, making people laugh. It seems overnight he’s grown up, does the shoulder shrug thing, and now, we’re doing college visits.

2020 has brought each of us so much change. We’ve seen a culture shift, and our normal is never to be again. We’re all just looking forward to the new normal – whatever that is. So, as college campuses open back up – we’re taking tours at a distance. Masks are required, hand sanitizer is stationed at every turn, and we’re reminded to keep a healthy distance so that we’re not too close.

As I walk side-by-side with my child, someone who will always be my baby no matter how old he gets, I’m reminded that I’ll be letting him go into this unknown world in about a year. While fear will not dominate my heart, questions do spark in the back of my mind.

What happens if 2021 is no different than now? What happens if he gets sick, and due to quarantine restrictions on campus, we’re not allowed to come to get him? Each college is different with it comes to their policies. How will students engage with healthy social activities when they’re now taught to keep their distance? Will they keep their distance? Probably not.

For most kids, that’s no big deal. They will stay healthy. For others, it could be detrimental.

So, as I let go and let God – I take a minute to thank Him for how far he’s brought us so far and remind myself that HE has us. He holds our future. I just have to plan ahead, pray, and put faith where it belongs.

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