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My life in a nutshell

Today has been so tiring yet so peaceful at the same time. My husband hasn’t slept since Thursday, as his job has been very demanding and he’s only been home long enough to shower and change clothes…and then go back again.

I can’t sleep, sleep issues aside, when he’s not home. I worry that he’s going to have a heart attack from no rest or food. I get angry that he works so hard. I’m not angry at him, but rather at the person he works for. And then, on top of that my son and I are so connected that when I don’t sleep…it transfers and he doesn’t sleep. So I’m up a few times each night to calm his bad dreams or help him wobbily walk to the bathroom. If I’m solidly sleeping, he doesn’t have those issues.

Today was D-day for a huge event that my husband was in charge of planning and executing, hence the no sleep for the last few nights. My mom came over to pick my son & I up. I asked her to follow me to the rental car place, so I could drop my rental off to Enterprise ($228.00-cha ching-ouch).

Afterwards, I hopped in her car, so we could tote my son to see his daddy down town. My little guy’s not seen his daddy in a few days and we needed to make sure we had some family time, even if it was while at work. We stopped at Braums on the way down there to get my other half’s bun-less burger, as he is allergic to wheat. My son and I ate on the way down there. ($15.00-lunch for three)

Around 12:30 we arrived so that we could deliver my hubbie’s food and go check out all the vendors at the event. Bart Conners had his gym and crew there to entertain the kids. We got there just late enough to miss Bart…:( But my son still got to run through their gymnastics course. He walked across the low beam, jumped on the spring board, walked on his hands and feet across the low parallel bars, and rolled down the angeled pads to land on the mats. He’s such a talker and told all the girls how easy it all was and asked so many questions.

Usually when kids get done with their course, they have them stand on stage to get applauded before handing them a certificate. It’s very empowering for those kids and exciting to see.

Well with my boy, instead of announcing he’d finished for everyone to simply applaud…they interviewed him for about 10 minutes. The entire place came around to see it, and he had everyone smiling. When asked what was the hardest, he answered, “Well actually….it all was pretty easy but if I had to pick one…the beam was not so hard but not so easy. It was in the middle!” That got a huge laugh.

The laughter drew a crowd. I felt like such a stage mom. I was beaming! He’s such a natural entertainer. A couple of years ago, on his 3rd birthday, he got to stand on stage in front of a huge crowd as Sesame Street Live. He had no apprehension about introducing the show with his dad. He has no fear of being on stage. He’s just like my hubbie and me, at ease in that type of position.

Today although stressed and tired, it was good to see my son so happy. Plus I got to rock climb and kick my hubbie’s butt! I got all the way to the top, and it had been ten years since I’d done any rock climbing. It was hard but good to stretch and let some of my stress out. It was a good outlet.

My mom dropped me off at my dealership, to pick up my car (post accident). It was all fixed, shiny, and like brand new. The inside had been detailed and it felt so good to drive it again. I missed my car.

On a sad note, I may have to put my dog down on Monday. He’s at the vet this weekend. I basically was told that if if were up to the vet, he’d make the call to put him to sleep. I’m supposed to take the weekend to think about it and call him Monday to give him my decision.

I think my heart is really heavy. 15 years of my life have been with my little Hershey. My son is sad and I hate to put him through this, as I want to protect him from feeling like I do.

Today, I have peace just to have seen my husband and son have some time together. They both needed it. I needed to be with both of them. I have peace in my heart, seeing the joy in my son’s eyes as he was in his element on stage. I have peace as I got some quality time with my mom, who I love so much.

This post is all over the place and I apologize. I just needed to get some things out. I know I’m so blessed, but today I am really really tired and sad.

I need for my husband to rejuvenate and find peace in his sitaution with work. I need for my doggie to be okay. I need my rental bill to be taken care of by the kid who wrecked my car’s insurance company. I need some sleep.

Thanks for reading, if you got this far. I hope you all can find peace in whatever situation you’re in today. With whatever you’re dealing with, whether it’s directly a part of your world or caused by someone else’s situation…I pray you’re able to find peace.

12 thoughts on “My life in a nutshell”

  1. With all these things going on at once, it must be hard to focus.
    I loved the story about your son! He sounds like an entertaining young man. You must have had a huge smile 🙂
    May the Lord guide you through the difficult times. So sorry to hear about your dog. ((hugs))

    Eric “Speedcat”

  2. Oh Friend! what a week you’ve had! And I’ve been such a bad/sick friend who can’t answer the phone..aahhh!

    You know I’m praying for you now…

  3. You have had one crazy week and yet, after all you’re going through, you end your post with a prayer for peace for your readers. You are so sweet. I hope you got some sleep, and that things calm down enough for some much needed family time.

  4. I’m so sorry about your Hershey (I have a chocolate Lab with the same name.) I know how hard this decision is, we had to have our beloved Pom put down, but it was the kindest thing we could have done for her. My heart goes out to you and your family.

    Glad your son got some grand attention… sounds like he had a huge time. Hope you and yours get some much needed peace and down time very soon. =)

  5. I told my husband to bring him home tonight after he gets off from work. I want to spend just a little more time with him, before putting him to sleep. I think we all need it.

  6. Sorry you have so much going on in your life! I hope your dog is OK.. Seamus and Meg are praying for Hershey.

  7. (((((Blessed1))))) Praying, dear sweetie!!!! So sorry for the sleeplessness especially, ‘cuz that makes it sooo much harder to deal with anything that comes your way. (((((HUGS))))) sandi

  8. I am SOO glad I found your blog! It is awesome. I love the Christian/positive outlook. I just started a new blog called I Overcooked My Family and I would love to blog with you. Hope you have a wonderful weekend! 🙂

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