blessings, book, Christianity, contest, faith, faithful fridays, family

Tomorrow’s Contest

Those that read me know I always try to count my blessings through thick and thin. I feel it ‘s not only a good philosophy to have..whether you’re a Christian or not. For me, I know it’s essential to give God the glory for all that’s good in my life. I know this is life changing and I want to pass this gift on to you, who will take on the challenge.

Tomorrow starts a 6 week contest. Use the Count Your Blessings button in your Friday posts, and put a link in your post to my site obviously….but most importantly …. every Friday COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS in a BIG way. From the small insignificant ones (although I am a believer of all blessings being big and significant) to the large in your face ones!

You will be amazed at how many things you see that are good in your life…it will change your outlook!

What’s the prize? Well the obvious one…your own piece of peace each day in recognizing how many good things are in your life…but I’m also going to throw in a copy of my book, autographed. When it releases this fall, I will sign it and send it to you.

So tomorrow please start your Friday blogging gratitude journal, your Faithful Friday blog, your Count your Blessings posts….whatever you want to call it—just link it to me and let me see how many people you track to my site.

I will track this contest two ways:

A) You have to have blogged EVERY FRIDAY.

B) You must have the highest amounts of hits to my site.

So get after it peeps!

Code for WordPress:

<a href=””><img border=”5″ alt=”Photobucket” src=””><img /></a></a>

Code for Blogger:

<a href=””> <img border=”0″ view&current=”blessingsbutton.jpg” = alt=”Photobucket” src=”” target=”_blank”/><img></a&gt;

16 thoughts on “Tomorrow’s Contest”

  1. I’m going to give that code another try, but with or without the button I am doing this! I have so much to be thankful for. Thanks for encouraging me to put it out there for all to see.

  2. “I’m also going to throw in a copy of my book, autographed”

    You have a book? WHAT? When did this happen?

    I won’t be posting much today as family is in town, but I will put something up on Friday of next week.

  3. LOL! TT…I’ve been working on a book for 4 years with an idea that’s been in my heart for 20 years. It’s a great story that will encourage anyone thats been a victim to want to change their lifestyle to be a survivor!

    🙂 Thanks guys TT and LB…can’t wait to read your Fridays.

  4. “I’ve been working on a book for 4 years with an idea that’s been in my heart for 20 years.”

    So you’ve had this idea since you were 5? 😉 I can’t wait to get my signed copy.

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