appreciation, blessings, blogging, Christianity, faith, faithful fridays, family, family bonds, gratitude, leadership, life, meme, positive reinforcement, prayer, relationships, thoughts

Faithful Fridays

Ever wonder why me? What does something always happen to me or someone in my family?

My mom and I had a conversation this morning that reminded me of the story of Job. Job, a man who had everything, and praised God with his whole heart. Then each and every blessing he had was taken away. Did Job suffer? Yes! Did he turn his heart from God? No! And in the end, God blessed him with twice as much as he had before.

Seems lately something has happened to each and everyone of my family members. I was sick with bronchitis for 6 weeks. My son was hospitalized. I am now struggling with a bad back, which is why I’m starting physical therapy. My mom and dad have had financial hit after hit lately, as my sister has. There are other things that I won’t list…but I think you get the point.

This morning my mom said, “I told your dad….something is wrong! Something is really wrong! Something has plagued our entire family in the last month or two. Each and everyone of us has had something really bad happen to us.” I replied, “Well mom, than I guess you’ll have to do more praying.”

I think when I talk to her next, I will remind her of Job and his faith. I didn’t think to earlier, as I wasn’t fully awake. I think I’ve always had the same mind of Job though…even as a child. Bad things continue to happen to us as long as Satan is in the world. It’s how we handle them that counts. Most choose to blame God and get angry. Well to be honest….that’s their right! God gave them the free will to choose their path. But for me and my family, I will continue to stress how important it is to thank God for our blessings especially through the bad times.

Just look at my last post about my son. God had it completely under control and I felt His divine intervention. Through the scary bad stuff, it is paramount to cling to our faith than ever before.

My faith for my family today? I have faith that God will bring my family through their troubles with flying colors. I believe He has us in the center of His will, right where we belong. And I have faith that He will show my family what their blessings are, instead of focusing on their troubles and sorrows. That’s my job to remind them of that too!

Please remember Faithful Fridays! After a long week’s work, no matter what your profession, please take a second to glimpse back at what God has done for you. It will help bolster your faith. It will carry you through to the next week. It will remind you to give thanks instead of grumble.

I encourage everyone one of you reading this to post your own Faithful Fridays, and link it back to my page so that I can read about your faith as well.

May God bless all of your endeavors today!

4 thoughts on “Faithful Fridays”

  1. Through the midst of trouble, isn’t it awesome how we can still have a joyful heart knowing and resting in our Father’s care? I thank Him for that, no one else can provide such comfort!!

  2. Awesome post! Indeed, rain falls on everyone… whom we place our Trust & Hope in during the storms/floods is what makes the difference. Hey, even if it gets really tough, we can still pray:

    “Save me, O G-d, for the waters have come up to my neck.” – Psalm 69:1

    Through it all, He never forsakes us.

    Blessings In Christ Sis

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