children, Christianity, dreams, economics, encouragement, faith, faithful fridays, family bonds, financial, Finding Kylie, God, health, help, life, love, Oklahoma, smiles, son, spirituality, talent, thoughts, Uncategorized, women, writing

Faithful Fridays

This has been an amazing week for the little things…

I’m still somewhat unemployed. I had to leave the restaurant because it started causing some minor health problems, due to my little to no time to actually eat. You’d think working with food I’d get to do that…but no. So I’m in the process of trying to find a part time job that will allow me to work around my son’s school schedule, which has been more than challenging as most PT jobs want you to work nights and weekends. This is not when I can work as I have a child at home.

What’s good about that? Well – I’m completely and utterly reliant on God to 100% provide for us as I look for a PT job. And so far my photography business has given us enough to get by in the last month and a half. Whew! This is a big blessing. And I just got hired for another wedding for this summer. Jobs are consistently rolling in…

The weather has warmed up to reach the 60’s and even 70 today. This has given me spring fever and isn’t it wonderful to have a warm breeze in the middle of winter?

I got to spend some time with both my mom and dad, at separate times, yesterday and thoroughly enjoyed it. I don’t get to see them much anymore, and it was nice just to be in their presence.

I met with a pastor at church this week to go over some ideas for my sequel…as one part of it has a sermon involved in it. I need to know I’m on the right track, and it was a big blessing just to sit and have him impart his wisdom on me.

I got a phone call from the Mayor’s office today. He’s granted me a phone interview to discuss sequel. One of my characters in ‘Finding Kylie’, is Jesse Mikale, who is a former Mayor of OKC…turned economic developer. As I delve into more of his work side in the sequel, I’ll need some input from someone who has lived or is living that role. Who better than Mayor Mick Cornett? His office said his Chief of Staff would most likely be the one to visit with me, but imagine my surprise when they called me on my cell yesterday to say he was taking time to visit with me. I was humbled and grateful.

My son tickles my funny bone every day…there’s just too much to catalogue in his daily stand up. But you can get a glimpse of something here that made laugh till I cried – on Wednesday.

My son’s also very excited about Papa John’s new heart shaped Pizza. This will be an economic way I can give him something nice this year…with something he loves most…PIZZA served with love.papa_johns_heart_shaped_pizza_photo

Last but not least…I’m being blessed daily by comments left by readers of Finding Kylie. I’m blown away at what they’re taking away from it and what is left with them, from reading it. Thank you to all of you who have emailed me or left me comments on my blog.

10 thoughts on “Faithful Fridays”

  1. Tara…thanks I appreciate you more than you know.
    Terri … patience? I’m not sure it’s patience. LOL. Thank you for the prayer. I hope you’re both doing well. Sorry I’ve not been very active on here lately. I’ve been so caught up in real life, that I’ve not had the time I’d like to read up on my favorite girls…

  2. I love hearing about how you do the research for oyur upcoming novel, so neat to get the behind the scenes view.

    That heart pizza is super cute, I might have to get that for Ken and I. We keep it light and inexpensive for Valentines day, no pressure.

  3. Wow, apprently I can’t type …I meant “your”, not “oyur”, that was awful, plus I’m picky about my spelling like that.

  4. I apologize! I want mama to share her thoughts with you – maybe by skype! LOL JUst rememver, mama is an ultra conservative, died in the wool Nazarene! She did like the book! But has some thoughts she wants to share! 😀

  5. Well… they say that God doesn’t put you in any situation he doesn’t have a plan for. He allowed your book to be this successful and has put you in a position for a reason. I wouldn’t worry about the job situation either; He’ll figure something out for you. Maybe the photography thing will pick up even more… who knows? I DO know that He’s given you enough to worry about for the time being… let Him take care of the rest. 🙂

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