
Win a Signed Copy of my New Book

Want to win a SIGNED COPY of SAVING GRACE when it releases this summer??

If So — Read Below


My goal by the end of July is to have 1,000 likes at my FaceBook author page, in preparation for the release of SAVING GRACE.

To do this – I need YOU to invite your friends to like my author page.  This is given the fact that you have your own FaceBook account.  (If not, set yours up today!)

Some may not know how to invite others to a page, so let me step you through it.

There are 2 simple steps:

1) Once you go to my author page, you’ll see a button, below my author profile pic, that says ‘invite your friends to this Page’. (see below?)

Click on the button that looks like the one below!

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.04.03 PM

2) Next, your friends list will pop up, where you can click the button INVITE next to their name. This will invite them to like the page.



Send your friends a message, letting them know about your desire to win this book.  Ask them to not just ‘like’ the page, but to shoot you a message once it’s done.

Then message me at: kimberlymckayauthor@gmail.com to alert me of their names.  Once I confirm they’ve liked the page – your name will go into a drawing for a copy of SIGNED copy of SAVING GRACE.  It will be entered for each time you have someone enter!!!

REMEMBER to let me know who you are when you email me, incase your email doesn’t match your name. I’ll need to know who to enter in the drawing.

This will be open till the last day of July.

*** Please note – For exposure reasons, it is just as important to ‘follow’ my page as well as like it.  This means once you like it – you need to ask for notifications. ***  (This is not required for the contest, but it means FaceBook will give me more exposure, which is the goal for any author.)

This can be done at the like button, like so:

Screen Shot 2015-06-11 at 6.56.52 PM

Thanks everyone!  I truly appreciate your support.  It means the world to me.

Continue reading “Win a Signed Copy of my New Book”


Humbling Words

Wow.  I woke up Sunday to a few Facebook posts on my wall saying, ‘Congratulations’ & ‘Great review!’.  I had no idea what they were talking about, so I looked online at our local newspaper, where I found a humbling review for Coming Home.

I thought I’d post it here too … for you to read.

“Coming Home” by Kimberly McKay (CreateSpace, 340 pages, available at Amazon.com)

I liked getting to know the spunky but broken Anne LaSal in Oklahoma author Kimberly McKay’s Finding Kylie” and “Facing Redemption,” so it was a treat to get more of her story in “Coming Home.”

Anne is the best friend of main character Chastity in the two earlier books written by this budding writer.

McKay, who at one time worked for The Oklahoman, does a great job of setting up the suspense — will it be romance or sparks? — when Anne agrees to be on the popular “Broadcast Affair” network show without learning who the show’s bachelor is for the season.

In “Facing Redemption,” readers learn that Anne is coming fresh off a nasty breakup and breaking free from a sad past when she agrees to be on the show. Realizing she has nothing to lose, she’s maybe even ready for a bit of fun and adventure. She finds that and so much more on this journey of self-discovery.

Anne’s growing up as a military brat helps prepare her for the drama of being on a dating reality television show along the lines of “The Bachelor,” where numerous girls compete for the affection of one man. The dilemma she faces is whether to believe Chad Chambers is truly a nice guy she could actually fall for or just a really skilled actor.

Readers might be tempted to settle into “Coming Home” as a typical romance novel, but McKay throws in enough curves to keep the reader furiously turning pages to reach the finale.

Mckay does a good job of making her characters real and relatable. They know loss. They have to rely on their faith. They want to love, but they’re full of all of the emotions anyone is subject to when opening up to this most vulnerable of feelings — fear, insecurity, uncertainty and hope.

“Coming Home” is a fast read with main characters that pique the reader’s interest and draw compassion. Side characters add just the right amount of trouble.

McKay uses a deft hand in weaving elements of faith into the story. The characters face a realistic struggle between romantic interest and purity, but there’s no unabashed evangelism. Anne’s talk with her new friend Kamryn gives readers a great analogy of the difference between a true relationship with God and empty religion.

— Tricia Pemberton,

for The Oklahoman

Thank you Miss Pemberton.  You humbled me and blew me away.  For those who wish to read this book, you can get the kindle version, here, or the paperback, here.


Coming Home Releasing – August 2014 … AND OTHER NEWS


A lot has happened since I last posted.  For one, I’m going to re-release FINDING KYLIE next month, as my previous publisher and I are finally free from one another.  I won’t get into the details, as I don’t believe in airing grievances in public. So, let’s just say it was less than an ideal situation.  On a positive note – now I get to brush up and release FINDING KYLIE the way I wanted to begin with, with an updated & pleasing cover.

The main reason for posting today is to let you know that

COMING HOME is releasing next month!

For those of you, who have read either FINDING KYLIE or FACING REDEMPTION, you’ll recognize Anne LaSal, the ever supportive best friend.  She finally gets her own story in COMING HOME and introduces you to her sister, Grace.  Grace gets her own story in 2015, with SAVING GRACE (releasing in the spring).

So far the reviews, from my beta readers for COMING HOME have been spectacular. This week Blogcritics Magazine posted this article about COMING HOME, which gave history on both books and led into Anne’s story.  If you skip to the bottom, it reads:

There are times when a story just comes together. When there is that combination of characters, story, and feel that creates that entertaining read. Coming Home is one of those times. It is an engaging read with a storyline that not only will keep you entertained, but the ending has so many twists and turns, it will keep you guessing until the final page. Still, as good as the story is, to me, to me the true test of a book is the characters and how believable they are. Coming Home does not disappoint. I still find myself wanting to go back and read more.

Coming Home is not due out until August 23, 2014, so in the meantime, if you haven’t already, you can always go out and get the author’s previous books Finding Kylie and Facing Redemption.


If you’re in the Oklahoma City area, I’d love to have you at the Book Launch party.  RSVP at the event page, here, Coming Home book launch party.  If you can’t drop by, pick up your own copy on Amazon, Kindle, Nook, or Smashwords.  If there’s another e-book format you’d prefer, drop me a comment to let me know and I’ll start working on it.